【发烧块】Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret (DLS)【发烧块】
摘自tone music shop的评论:
这个无论声音还是外形均被誉为最“酷”的美国手工品牌,在R&D团队多年的潜心研发后,终于顺应了一次时代的潮流,低调推出这款经典双刃剑Dirty Little Secret。在音色上Dirty Little Secret与其它同样具有优秀品质的Marshall风格单块(例如Carl Martin Plexitone,Wampler Plextortion,BJFE Dyna Red Distortion等)并不尽相同,Drity Little Secret更注重原汁原味的JTM45和JCM800,没有过多的华丽修饰,从几个控制钮就可以看出其完全复古的风格。将JTM45和JCM800两大传世经典合二为一,可与BJFE平分秋色的超高动态、触感外加冷酷的外形,内部Bright-Normal音色调节钮更大大的增加了可调范围,我们不得不将它归类为personal favorite!
Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret被评选为2009年度单块!
Pedal of the Year: Catalinbread Dirty Little SecretNo pedal released in 2009 created as much buzz as the Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret. Word of mouth for the small silver (now available in many colors) pedal was positive from the first web demo onward. Catalinbread calls the DLS a ‘foundation’ pedal – a sonic platform to build the rest of your tone upon. For vintage, Marshall-y goodness, the Dirty Little Secret knows no equal in its price range. After whittling a list of about twenty pedals down to one, the Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret was the last stomp standing, and thus our Pedal of the Year for 2009.
Like the company promised in its unveiling, the DLS controls are simple and effective – Loudness governs output, Tone morphs from smooth and fat to crunchy and cutting, Gain goes from clean and clear to full crunch with harmonics, and the Rock/Rawk switch selects ‘60s and ‘70s JTM/JMP sounds (Rock) or ‘80s JCM tones (Rawk).This single pedal inspired more internet debate, praise, comradery and demos than we saw any other pedal accomplish this year… and likely the past several years. But most importantly, the Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret inspired a ton of guitarists to PLAY in 2009. That feat alone makes it worthy of our Pedal of the Year award. Bravo C-bread, Bravo!Random quotes about the DLS from the internet…“By the sound of it, this pedal may enter the Realm Of Legend.”
“It’s also got that ‘I’m holding this thing back’ instead of ‘I need to make sound come out’ feeling you get from really driven power tubes.”
“I have tried this pedal with many different guitar/amp/speaker combos and it terrorizes each rig.”
“You can’t swing a cat without hitting a Dirty Little Secret demo! But seriously, it’s one cool pedal.”
[ 本帖最后由 Soul_Of_Blues 于 2011-3-13 23:59 编辑 ] 床单不错~~~~ 头像还好~~~ 一把奶子不错,绿豆不错 原帖由 dymucus 于 2011-3-13 23:58 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
哪呢?一把奶子?没见着 头像.................... DLS好啊。。。。plexi and jcm 必须得顶!!!喵 不错啊 不赖,帮顶了 谢各位帮顶~~~ 巴萨不给力~~~巴萨不给力~~~~~巴萨不给力~~~~~巴萨不给力~~~~~巴萨不给力~~~~~巴萨不给力~~~~~巴萨不给力~~~~~ 我突然发现这个帖子题目很长 失真不错~~~之前一直想买~ 和longmetal中介交易水陆坦克一个!
和Karabiner无中介交易日产 TOKAI一把!
还有tonebone失真,DMM,老款eh the worm,
zver box of rock 等等 太多了~
QQ1025232548! 要是粉色的就拿下咯~ 我有粉色你要么 要是透明的就拿下咯 可惜上星期我刚买个一模一样的 不错不错