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吉他中国专访ANGRA吉他手KIKO (音频)!

发表于 2010-12-13 17:10:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2010年10月12日,吉他中国10周年盛典上海站在MAO LIVE HOUSE盛大上演!成功落幕!
来自火神Angra当家吉他手Kiko 的表演为到场观众留下了惊喜,其腼腆温文尔雅的台风,但娴熟的技巧、动人的音乐得到了大家热烈的掌声。




Steve Vai: inspiring
Joe satriani: melody maker
Eric Johnson:tasty touch
Yngwie.j.Malmsteen: great bend and vibrato. Unique
S.R.V: He played with soul
Jimi Hendrix: Guitar Synonym  
Marty Friendman: Unique playing
Zakk Wlyde: Wild playing
Kerry King:impressive right hand
Dimebag:Heavy Riff God


Hello Kiko
This is  GuitarChina, we would like to thank you for your brilliant concert in China tour and for taking this interview, we have some questions from your fans here.

What impressions you had during your tour in China?

How about Shanghai live that you join the guitar stars party about GuitarChina 10th Anniversary

What are you planing for in 2011?

And What is Angra planing for in 2011?~

You are very distinctive no matter technically or musically, we would like to know how Kiko learns harmonics, or would you give us some suggestions on learning harmonics?

Can you tell us something about the market regulation in music industry in Brazil?

Can you name a few cities that represent typical rock and metal youth culture in Brazil?

How many hours do you spend per day to listen to other people's music? What kind of music do you listen to? And what can you get from their music?

Will you introduce us some something about your equipments in the band? (Guitar, guitar effects, sound box..etc)

Please give us a list than you are listing CD ablum these days ?

Would you give us a definition in one word of your culture for the following each great guitar player?
Steve Vai: inspiring
Joe satriani: melody maker
Eric Johnson:tasty touch
Yngwie.j.Malmsteen: great bend and vibrato. Unique
S.R.V: He played with soul
Jimi Hendrix: Guitar Synonym  
Marty Friendman: Unique playing
Zakk Wlyde: Wild playing
Kerry King:impressive right hand
Dimebag:Heavy Riff God

Could you say something to guitar fans and internet friends in P.R. China?

Finally, thank you very much for your time, and we hope to see you again someday in China!


感谢 Lichtgestalt 翻译~ 还需要您再回翻译成中文哈
感谢广州长城提供KIKO 2010中国行采访安排以及参加GC10周年上海站演出!
发表于 2010-12-13 17:12:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-14 02:11:56 | 显示全部楼层
不过,从Kiko的话中了解了巴西音乐市场的版权问题确实与中国类似,当地知名乐人的专辑还是有很多盗版,不过感觉Kiko对此并不反感,相反他认为这是一个让艺人出名的好方法,呵呵~~  从信息传递的角度讲,这确实是事实~~
发表于 2010-12-14 08:30:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-19 01:22:30 | 显示全部楼层
终于翻完了 、有些没听清的和不认识的人名,请指正 OTL

Hello Kiko


We are GuitarChina, we would like to thank you foryour brilliant concert in China and for taking this interview, we have some questionsfrom your fans here.


Whatimpressions you had during your concert in China?


HelloGuitar China that's kiko,
solet's do the interview, impressions I had during my tour in China
arhwas so many impressions, such a different country for me
Ithink it's a very very beautiful country, with a very beautiful tradition, mixwith such a modern and developed cities, so I really really enjoyed my days inChina.
Toomany things to talk now to mention now, I really hope I can come back soon

How about Shanghailive that you join the guitar stars party about GuitarChina 10th Anniversary

Shanghailive, yes I was in the guitarchina 10th anniversary, very good, Isaw, I met many good guitar players, Jam, very nice, Morris flaud and happy to participatein the guitar jamsmeet new people, meet new musicians, so I wish I could be there at 11thanniversary of Guitarchina and come back to china as soon as possible

Jam,他人很好,Morris flaud(名字不知道拼对没), 很高兴能够给参与到吉他聚会中去,结识新朋友,新的音乐家。所以我希望在吉他中国11周年庆的时候我还能在那,尽快回到中国

What are youplaning for in 2011?

2011,the beginning of 2011, Angra will be playing in California, United States. InFebruary we gonna do European tour, then we have many shows, I hope I can cometo beijing show, there's a possibility to come to Beijing show, and I hope Ican come to my drill in China to do live concerts for the guitar fans, butthat's not booked yet. Angra has South American tour as well
Wegonna play in a big big festival Rock in Rio, that's gonna be September, somany things to come to 2011, For Angra and for me.
So Ireally wish I can connect some travel, have some free time in 2011, mainlyduring the beijing show so I can come back to China.
2011年,年初的时候ANGRA会去美国加利福尼亚演出,2月我们会开始欧洲巡演,会有各种演出,我希望能参加北京的演出,我希望能安排出日程到中国来为吉他迷们演出,但是这还没确定,ANGRA还有南美巡演,我们会在一个非常盛大的摇滚节演出,ROCK IN RIO,那是9月,这就是2011ANGRA乐队和我自己的计划

Kiko youare very distinctive no matter technically or musically, we would like to knowhow Kiko learns harmonics, or would you give us somesuggestions on learning harmonics? 非常喜欢KIKO,觉得KIKO的演奏无论在技巧上还是音乐上都非常的有个人特点,请问KIKO是怎样学习和声学的或者说建议大家怎么来学习和声学

learningharmonics, harmonics, well harmonics you have many different ways to doharmonics, and the guitar, so harmonics you can do with a pick, with your firstfingers, many ways I don't know how to explain, erh something I think reallyimportant is harmony, and knowing a lot of harmony and chords, and chord corporations,gonna help a lot to compose,
sothat helps a lot to prepare some solos to improvise, to learn in an easier way,scales and tectonics, triads, the chords, the harmony is the base ofeverything, so very important to learn harmonies

泛音有许多不同的方式来做泛音,还有吉他,你需要使用拨片和你前面的手指,有许多方式,我不知该如何解释,我觉得重要的是和声,了解更多的和声和和弦,和弦的协调,会对创作有很大帮助,因此你能准备一些solo来作即兴创作,通过更简单的方式来学习,音阶,构造,三和弦, 和弦与和声是所有一切的基础,所以学和声非常重要

(这里之前问的有问题,泛音是harmonics, 和声是harmonies)

Can youtell us something about the market regulation in music industry in Brazilregarding to artist rewards and music privacy?


Marketregulation in music, well the music industry in Brazil regarding cds and dvds,at least for like ten years is really much regulated, wod numbers is not easyto print CD you have to do lot paper work to print a cd, so the regulation iskind of tough but you have the bootleg pretty strong as well actually the mostfamoust bands, the domestic music they are very strong in the
bootlegs,is a way to achieve everybody, if you give for free of music, if you letbootleg sell at vert very cheap in the streets, CDs so that's very difficult tocontrol in a big country, like Brazil, China has the problem as the same, asfar as I know China is the same, so big country with a lot of people, andpeople went to listen to music, and nobody will pay very high-price CDs, so youhave the bootleg market very strong

Can youname a few cities that represent typical rock and metal youth culture inBrazil?


Thebiggest city in Brazil San Paulo, and San Paulo is a very industrial andbusiness city, in Rio de Janerio there is a beach in this more into thecarnival is not San Paulo is more typical brazilian music, san paulo could say,is more rock and metal, and lot of guitar players in san paulo, the industry ofguitar, the companies, the factories, use to build the big ones are always SanPaulo. that's a big city with almost 20 million people

How manyhours do you spend per day to listen to other people's music? What kind ofmusic do you listen to? And what can you get from their music?


listeningto people and the people's music, sometimes I listen a lot sometimes I don'tlisten, it depends, when I'm traveling so I can listen to music pay attention,or driving the car, home I don't listen much, at home I play guitar, I play morethan listen to music.

Ilisten to many kind, different kinds of music, guitar players I listen toguitarplayers, I like to listen to Jeff Beck. I listen to jazz, like GeorgeBenson, Wes Montgomery, Jones Corfu, i like to listen toacoustic guitar music, Brazilian music, and of course some rock stuff, somemetal bands like Metallica I like to listen to a lot. what I can get from theirmusic the other question, I just listen I don't practise their music, I thinkif you listen a lot you brain is gonna get, is gonna absorb the music
我听不同种类的音乐,不同类型的音乐,吉他手的话我喜欢,我喜欢听Jeff Beck.,我喜欢爵士,比如jazz, like George Benson, WesMontgomery, Jones Corfu(不知道这个姓对不对),我喜欢原声吉他,巴西音乐,当然还有摇滚乐,还有一些金属乐队,比如我很喜欢METALLICA,至于我如何从他们的音乐中得到什么。我只是听,我不会演奏他们的音乐,我认为如果你听得多,你的大脑会自动吸收音乐中的一些东西

Will you introduce ussome something about your equipments in the band? (Guitar, guitareffects, sound box..etc)


Okay,my equipments, I have a handmade guitar, Tashima-guitar. I use Laney, Laneyamps, VHR100R, the main head I use but I have other amplifiers from Laney like Lionheart  like GL100. I have someZOOM-effects, from Japanese ZOOM-effect company. So I use some effects fromZOOM and some Voxes.Some overdrive to boost the amplifier. I also have Morley wawa-pedal, signaturemodel. I have ZOOM signature model. I use Daddario strings, 0-10 to 0-46
哦我的设备,我有手工制的吉他,Tashima吉他,我使用LaneyLaney amps,VHR100R,这些是我常用的,但我也用Laney的别的音箱,比如LionheartGL100
我用ZOOM效果器,日本ZOOM effect公司的,因此我使用ZOOM还有Voxes。一些过载效果器来为音箱增效。我也用Morley效果器,signature model。我用Daddario琴弦,0-10 0-46大小的

Please give us alist than you are listing CD ablum these days ?


Okthe list of the albums I'll write to you it's kind of easier

Would you give usa definition in one word of your culture for the following each great guitarplayer?

Steve Vai:inspiring 灵感迸发
Joe satriani:melody maker 旋律高手
Eric Johnson:tastytouch
Yngwie.j.Malmsteen:great bend and vibrato. Unique 出色滑音和颤音,非常独特
S.R.V: He playedwith soul
Jimi Hendrix:Guitar Synonym

Marty Friendman:Unique playing
Zakk Wlyde Wild playing
Kerry Kingimpressive right hand 牛逼的右手
DimebagHeavy Riff God RIFF

Could you saysomething to guitar fans and internet friends in P.R. China?

WellI had such a great time in China and with the guitar fans I met, and differentcities I
havebeen, and the great show in the clinic's show for Laney so in guangzhou,kunming, so all the cities have been ideal and met the guitar fans, was great,was really really great, also in shanghai of course in the great show, so wasreally really great, so thank you very much and I gonna write all the otherquestions here, bye bye


Finally,thank you very much for your time, and we hope to see you again someday in China!


 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-21 09:41:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-21 10:35:16 | 显示全部楼层
貌似南美的金属氛围很好,演出不多,但是每次演出观众巨多。Shaaman的现场录像把我看得吓着了,一群大妈泪流满面地围追Andrea Matos。。。
发表于 2010-12-21 14:47:46 | 显示全部楼层

Jimi Hendrix:Guitar Synonym吉他交响曲


“Jimi Hendrix: 吉他代名词

[ 本帖最后由 Lichtgestalt 于 2010-12-21 14:59 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-21 17:10:08 | 显示全部楼层
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