我的gibson的序列号是004163,麻烦各位帮我查查此琴的相关信息~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· 占座+帮顶~ http://www.guitardaterproject.org/gibson.aspx 谢谢朋友提供的网址,可查了是以下结果,不准吧Guitar Info
Serial number unrecognized
Your guitar may have been made prior to 1977, in that case you may need to use the Vintage Panel, simply select all the options that best describe your guitar. If you are still having difficulties please contact the webmaster. 2000年Les Paul Classics The typical pattern for Gibson USA Les Pauls is
YY is the production year
DDD is the day of the year
RRR is the factory ranking/plant designation number
Gibson USA goes to a 9 digit serial number in early July 2005. The sixth number is now a batch number- batch 0 starts at the beginning of the day, and once we stamp 699, the batch number will change to 1. Basically, YDDDYBRRR
Les Paul Classics
The 1st digit indicates the year of manufacture for the 4 & 5 digit serial numbers, these were used from 1989-1999. The 1st and 2nd indicate the year of manufacture for the 6 digit serial numbers which we've been using since 2000.
Examples -
9 xxx = 1989 (4 digit number beginning with "9" used only in 1989)
0 xxxx = 1990
9 xxxx = 1999
00xxxx = 2000
05xxxx = 2005
Those beginning with "94":
In 1994, Gibson's Centennial year, many instruments have a serial number that begins with "94" for the year, with the remaining 6 digits indicating the ranking number.
Gibson Custom
2004 & newer modern Customs has a serial number like this - CSxxxxx.
Pre-2004 had 8-digit serial numbers.
Historic Reissues
M is the model year being reissued
Y is the production year
RRR(R) indicates the guitar's place production for that year
http://www.gibson.com/en-us/Support/SerialNumberSearch/ 原帖由 mengge 于 2010-11-8 19:13 发表 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/images/common/back.gif
Guitar Info
Serial number unrecognized
Your guitar may have been made prior to 1977, in that case you may need to use the Vintage Panel, simply selec ...
你可以直接發email給gibson客服``問問就好 买! 谢谢楼上朋友们的指点
[ 本帖最后由 mengge 于 2010-11-9 11:24 编辑 ] 好漂亮的les paul classic plus…… 谢谢大版主光临~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 除了 R 系列最喜欢 CLASSIC 了。。。 可惜现在没了。