This is an unconfirmed guitar model!
This guitar model has yet to appear on an official Ibanez website. Information about this guitar model in this article may be incomplete or false. As soon as all info is confirmed by Ibanez, this article can be updated and this template may be removed
This page is about the 1992-1993 RG450. For other RG450s, see RG450. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100518222809/ibanez/images/thumb/6/63/RG450_BKB.jpg/500px-RG450_BKB.jpg
RG450 BKB (For more images see below) http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100514102857/ibanez/images/e/e8/Red_copyright_sprite.png
The Ibanez RG450 is an RG series guitar model with a short production run in 2009. It is the third time a model is known as the RG450, after a Japanese made model introduced in 1993, and its replacement, a Korean made model introduced in 1994 and discontinued after 1995.
The 2009 RG450 again is made in Japan, but unlike other Japanese made models it wasn't released with a Prestige label or with Prestige features. It has a 3-piece maple Wizard III neck, an ILT1 tremolo and Ibanez made pickups.
The RG450 wasn't widely available and only appears on Chinese websites, but shares some traits with the more common RG1451
[ 本帖最后由 oooppooo 于 2010-11-21 18:16 编辑 ] Specifications for RG450 (2009)
RG450 Years:
2009 Areas:
China Made in:
Japan Finishes:
BEB (Blue Blast) / BKB (Black Blast) / WHP (White Plaster) Body Body material:
Basswood Neck joint:
AANJ Bridge:
ILT1 tremolo Hardware color:
Cosmo Black Pickguard:
Black Neck Neck type:
Wizard III Neck material:
3-Piece Maple Fingerboard:
Rosewood Inlays:
Pearl Dots Frets:
24 / Jumbo Electronics PU Config:
HSH Neck PU:
IBZ RTS Bridge PU:
IBZ V6F Controls:
1 Volume / 1 Tone / 5-Way Lever 我看现在很多淘宝网店有卖,大概4K余元,不知道此款价位是否值得购买,和日产RG1450相比如何。
不清楚ibanez的我向大家请教。呵呵 原帖地址http://ibanez.wikia.com/wiki/RG450_(2009) 觉得可以不买就是了。。。。操那么多心干什么。。多累啊 这个去年出的RG450是指针对亚洲(中国)出的!
1451 4位数的RG就是贵族系列了;而且今年这款琴也升级换代变成RG1450了;配置上,琴桥变了;琴颈变为5PC,
接着说这个RG450,其实我觉得这是一个性价比极低的产品,当年的日产RG250/270在2800元左右,而这个换了个编码,要4000多,太不值了;还是考虑加一千多;买日产的1550Z和1570Z吧,除非是固定桥的1451,否者还是不要考虑这种边缘产品 RG450是去年出的一批!!今年换成了升级的RG1450.,目前RG450市面应该不多?其实很多人买RG450.更多的是去想.这是最便宜的日产IBANEZ.这样一个想法吧. 其实我觉得除了以前的550和570,那些什么350,370都不是什么太好的产品....