就像Buckethead吉他上的那个按钮一样,能弹出他那首Jordan的效果 这还用定做吗???回复 3# tjtdsd 的帖子
那怎么做哈哈要在吉他开口我觉得就要找师傅了 在琴的输出与地线之间连接一个自复位的按钮开关就可以了~ 叼先看看 gibson 的les paul BFG上好像有这种装置。 那是Buckethead的 签名款 加个断音开关? 对21212212
Hello and welcome back to “Mod Garage.” 你好,欢迎回来"Mod Garage"Last month we talked about kill switch basics and how to wire one up using a 2PDT (on/ on) switching device, like a push/pull pot or a toggle switch. 上个月我们讲过
This month we’ll discuss the benefits of setting up a momentary kill switch on a Stratocaster and how to do it.这个月我们将会讨论一下在Stratocaster 上设置一个瞬间关闭转换器的好处和如何实现它。
As you may have discovered, the standard Stratocaster pickguard with three controls and 5-way switch is not the best place for a toggle kill switch.也许你会发现,
拥有三个控制和五种转换的标准stratocaster pickguard不是摇杆关闭转换器最好的地方。
It’s hard to find a spot you can reach to wiggle it back and forth to shut down the guitar—without messing around with the other elements on the pickguard, anyway.它很难让你找到一个使它能摇摆回来的地方和向前关闭吉它----无论如何很难避免触碰到在pickguard上的其他东西。
You can rewire your guitar for a master volume/master tone configuration and take out one of the tone pots to make space for the toggle switch, but this is still a compromise. 你可以为你的吉他接一个主音构造和拿出一个音pots来为摇杆转换腾出空间,但这任然是一个折中的办法。
Ultimately, an additional toggle switch or a push/pull pot isn’t the perfect solution for a kill switch on a Strat.最终,一个额外的摇杆转换或者一个推/拉 pot 不是最佳的解决关闭转换的最佳办法。
It will do, if your intention is only to use it to shut down the guitar while on a break during a gig or in the studio.如果你只是打算在gig或录音室里在间歇时用它来在关掉吉他,它可以。
But if you’re looking for the staccato on/off effect (the “machine-gun” sound), this setup tends to work poorly on a Stratocaster. 但是如果你打算用在staccato开关效果(机关枪声音),这个设置在stratocaster里就很拙劣了。
A better solution is to use a so-called momentary switch as a “musical kill switch.”
A momentary switch sports a button you have to push in order to open or close the contact, rather than using a toggle or normal switch. The momentary switch is only engaged as long as you press the button. This has the advantage of allowing you to alternate between off and on even faster than with a typical throw-type toggle switch. It’s also much easier to operate in places without much space—like the typical Stratocaster pickguard. There are two different types of SPST momentary switches available, so you have to be careful about what type you buy in order to wire the mod correctly. If you mess things up at this point, the guitar will be shut down when you’re not pushing the switch, and it will only be engaged when pressing the switch (though this would be a great practical joke you could play on your fellow guitarists).
The first type is the so-called “push-to-make” (ON)-OFF momentary switch (aka “N.O. contacts” or normally open contacts). This switch returns to its normally open (off) position when you release the button, like a doorbell. When you press the switch, you make a connection between the two contacts. The second type is the “push-to-break” ON-(OFF) momentary switch (aka “N.C. contacts” or normally closed contacts). This switch returns to its normally closed (on) position when you release the button.
It’s possible to use either type to set up a momentary kill switch, but I highly recommend you use a “push-to-make” (ON)-OFF type. Decide where to place the momentary switch on your Strat pickguard, drill a hole and install the switch. Then solder two short wires to the contacts of the switch and connect the other ends to the output jack as shown in the diagram.
This way, it will short the complete circuit, creating a loop from input to output that bypasses the signal when the button of the switch is pressed. As soon as you release the button, the loop is disabled and your guitar is roaring again. Try to install the switch near the output jack so you can keep the wires as short as possible to prevent it from picking up any hum, radio stations, etc.
An alternative way to wire the same switch is to insert it between the middle lug of the Strat´s master volume pot and the right lug of the same pot, connected to ground. Usually there are already more than enough connections at the volume pot, especially when using an additional treble bleed network, so connecting the switch to the output jack may be easier and you won’t have to mess around with tons of wires. It’s an equivalent circuit, just a different physical arrangement. Some words about the second type, the “push-to-break” ON-(OFF) momentary switch: with this switch you’ll have to make a break in one of the lines to make it work like a kill switch. But remember the basic rule: never break the signal! If you wire such a switch in-line of the signal wire or the ground wire, chances are good that you’ll get a bad hum instead of silence when pressing the button. So, the two ways shown above are far superior and highly recommended.
Alright, that’s it! Stay tuned for more Strat mods coming next month when I’ll show you the so-called “Blender Strat” mod; a fine modification for players who want to be able to dial in virtually endless combinations of their three pickups. Until then ... keep on modding!
...................................... 只翻译一半 ................................安装孔19MM这种可以装在吉他的音量按钮上不? 在 输出插口上接上个 触点开关就可以啦 如果不想开孔 就把琴上的音色 tone 电位器去掉 用这个孔装开关大小 随便 当然是越小越好 能按到就可以了[ 本帖最后由 tjtdsd 于 2011-1-26 08:52 编辑 ]