NAMM 2011----VOX 新品Tony Bruno以及Night Train NT50H
VOX TB35C1 & TB35C2 Guitar Amplifiers collaboration with legendary American boutique ampdesigner Tony Bruno, VOX has taken a trip into new tonal territory with theTB35C1 & TB35C2 guitar amplifiers, featuring an all-tube, Tony Brunodesign.
Amplifier highlights:
[*]Circuitdesigned by boutique amplifier builder Tony Bruno.[*]VintageAmerican tube voicing[*]All-tubedesign[*]Tube reverb[*]Highquality spring reverb tank[*]Macho modewith footswitch control[*]Bass Boost[*]MasterVolume bypass switch[*]Birch-plycabinet construction[*]CelestionG12-65 speaker(s)[*]Custom madepremium transformers[*]12AX7/ECC83(x 3) preamp tubes[*]12AT7 (x 1)+ 12AX7 (x 1) reverb tubes[*]6V6 (x 4)power tubes[*]35W RMS[*]Footswitchincluded[*]High-quality dust cover includes
About Tony Bruno:
Tony Bruno is a highlyrespected and sought after boutique amp designer from the USA. Throughout hisesteemed career, Tony has hand-built over 1000 amplifiers, some of which areregarded as among the finest sounding amplifiers in the world. And Tony Brunois no stranger to VOX. A Long-time friend of VOX R&D, Tony’s unparalleledknowledge of boutique amplifier design has been called upon many times by VOX,on projects including the 1990s era 6-input Hand-Wired AC30, the VOX NightTrain and the Custom Series amplifiers
[*]Volume (preamp)[*]Bass[*]Mid[*]Treble[*]Reverb[*]Master volume[*]Bass Boost[*]Macho Mode (footswitchable)[*]MasterVolume Bypass Tube Complement:
[*]12AX7 (x3) Preamp[*] 12AT7 + 12AX7 Tube Reverb[*]6V6 (x 4) Power Tubes Inputs/Outputs:
[*]Guitar Input High and Low[*]External speaker out[*]Extension speaker out[*]Footswitch input Output Power:
[*]35Watts RMS Cabinet Construction:
[*]Birch Ply Speaker(s):
[*]1 x 12” 16 Ω Celestion G12-65 (TB35C1)[*]2 x 12” 8 Ω Celestion G12-65 (TB35C2) Dimensions (W x D x H):
[*]600 x 260 x 565mm / 23.62"x 10.24" x22.24" (TB35C1)[*]695 x 260 x 565 mm / 27.36"x 10.24" x 22.24" (TB35C2) Weight:
[*]28.8kg/ 63.49 lbs. (TB35C1)[*]33.5kg/ 73.85 lbs. (TB35C2) Accessory:
[*]Footswitch (VFS-1)[*]Manual[*]Dust cover[*]Power cable
Night Train NT50H/V212NT
The newest member of the VOX Night Train family: the NightTrain 50
This powerful, all-tubehead offers two channels for traditional and high-gain sounds. Also availableis the V212NT cabinet; a perfect match in both looks and sound.
Night Train 50 Highlights:
[*]All-tube, two channel head featuring Class ABamplifier construction[*]Stylish design with eye-catching mirror finish[*]12AX7 (x4) preamp tubes; EL34 (x2) power stagetubes[*]BRIGHT channel provides the traditional VOXchime;
plus a THICK switch which bypasses the EQ for more gain[*]GIRTH channel delivers an energetic powerfulhigh-gain tone[*]Master TIGHT switch cuts the low end to tightenthe overall sound[*]FX loop with tone-saving true bypass[*]Optional VFS2A footswitch; Switch betweenchannels
or turn the BRIGHT channel’s THICK mode on and off V212NT Highlights
[*]Celestion G12H Anniversary Model 12-inch speakers(x2)[*]Retro-style appearance matches the look and feelof the Night Train 50
The VOX NightTrain Series projects a powerful personality with its mirror-finish metallicexterior and serious all-tube sound. Now welcome our new 50 Watt model: theNight Train 50. Unlike the existing Night Train (15W) model – or even the AC15and AC30 Custom Series – the Night Train 50 features EL34 tubes in the powerstage, producing a tight, robust sound. Of course, the Night Train 50 alsocovers the traditional VOX sound, and its rich array of sonic variation makesit such a great and versatile choice for so many guitarists.
VOX Night Train NT50H Specifications Power Output:
[*] 50Watts RMS into 8 or 16 Ω Control:
[*] Master= Master volume, Tone Cut, TIGHT switch[*] GIRTHChannel=Volume, Bass, Middle, Treble, Gain[*] BRIGHTChannel=Bass, Middle, Treble, Gain, THICK switch Inputs/Outputs:
[*] Guitarinput[*] FX Loop(Send/Return, Bypass switch)[*] Footswitch,[*] 1 xSpeaker output (16 Ω)[*] 2 xSpeaker output (8 Ω) Dimensions (W x H x D):
[*] 458 x 235 x 175 mm/18.03 x 9.25 x 6.89 inches Weight:
[*] 12.2 Kg/26.8 lbs. Included items:
[*] Powercable, High Quality Speaker cable V212NT
[*]Birch Ply Max Input:
[*] 60 WRMS; 16 Ohms Speakers:
[*] 2 x 12”Celestion G12H Anniversary Model Dimensions (W x D x H):
[*] 700 x 255 x 510 mm/27.56 x 10.04 x 20.08Inches Weight:
[*] 9.5 kg/42.9 lbs. 很震撼…… Tony Bruno??
难道他也被VOX收购了 真好看 原帖由 李鸣 于 2011-1-25 13:06 发表
Tony Bruno??
BJFE与疯教授的关系吧也许. 老李家人阿,我刚在音箱区发了一个。。。
这个头卖多少钱呀? 强烈YY----NT50哈哈~用了一个NT15感觉相当爽手,不知道50的怎么样!
回复 4# 李鸣 的帖子
Tony Bruno设计的,美国声的VOX bruno和vox合作了?! 弹得真好~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 弹得真好 oh my bruno回复 1# 李郎 的帖子
啊啊啊啊 亲 那个头头多少银纸 .。。。 爽