CORT A4和fender老款A4琴桥和WARWICK一样不知哪年产的求问高手
[ 本帖最后由 琦叔 于 2011-1-25 12:39 编辑 ] 图片那把CORT是02年4月份产的。04年开始琴扭和琴桥都换了,分别换成HIPSHOT和EB12了,比02版精致 呵呵,长知识了,谢谢二楼上 92年的FENDER豪华 P BASS? 02年的A4和92年的fender,什么款就不清楚了,可能是美豪 图片芬达这款我不是很确定,年份我个人判断是93年上半年产,因为是N29开头共7位数,产地个人判断是田纳西州的纳什维尔。
[ 本帖最后由 huhuajun 于 2011-1-26 11:45 编辑 ] 顶LS,果然好东西,学习了,呵呵 学习学习~~~~~~~~~~ Guitar Info
Your guitar was made at the
Corona Plant (Fender), USA
in the Year(s): 1992 - 1993
Fender: Corona
Corona factory was opened in 1985, Corona California, with major guitar production starting in 1987. With the addition of a custom shop in 1987 the plant currently employs about 700 workers. Apart from general and Custom Shop Fender instruments and amplifiers, it also encompasses Guild acoustic & electric guitars.
呵呵,七楼给的网址用序列号查的,谢谢各位啊,都高手啊,果然有能人!!! A4是02年的琴