伊乱琴迷 发表于 2011-3-7 21:28:37

适当的鼓是正常的,LZ 注意多保养就好了

mj2008mj2008 发表于 2011-3-7 21:32:34

本人一直北京不加湿   013弦

[ 本帖最后由 mj2008mj2008 于 2011-3-7 21:36 编辑 ]

zhouruiqin 发表于 2011-9-7 19:37:01

wli132 发表于 2011-9-7 20:42:48

我这里今天湿度90%, 想知道一下如果湿度90%的话是不是要在琴箱里放包旺旺仙贝的干燥剂了

YINTINGFENG 发表于 2011-9-8 08:52:19


steve2009s 发表于 2012-8-15 10:11:36

其实很关系的 我刚买的新琴也是一样。正常的!

nirvana__dead 发表于 2012-8-20 22:07:49

楼主请看制琴师john greven对他制作的Greven吉他面板稍微鼓起的解答,貌似和你的琴一样。
The top is braced lightly, not like a Collings or modern Martin.It will show movement up and down depending on humidity and string gauge. This is normal top behavior for a 30's style top construction.Many modern companies like Martin, Taylor and Collings have gone to using much heavier bracing and large bridge plates to achieve near immobility of their tops, which keeps them very flat.The down side is they are heavily built and do not sound nearly as good as the more lightly done top. There is supposed to be some movement of the top behind the bridge area and some compensating down movement of the top near the edges.It is how the guitar was designed and is a close reprecstative of the early 1930's Martin construction.It should be fine and will shrink back by 1/2 with the dropping of the humidity levels.

梦里非洲 发表于 2012-8-21 17:02:23


吉他新华 发表于 2012-8-22 16:27:40

上图片 大家看看吧
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查看完整版本: martin hd 35 面板琴桥后面略微突起是否正常!!!!我要讨个说法