ChrisAn 发表于 2011-3-26 12:00:41




1. Take care of all the screws on your guitar. They should be fastened very tight for a better sound, but don't break them! Critical locations are the screws for the neck, the bridge and the tuners. Check them regularly. Loose screws can also be the reason for penetrating, rattling noises on electric guitars.

2.A Stratocaster typically has a rear-routed tremolo cavity that is covered with a plastic cover and some screws. Take the cover away. It's amazing how the overall sound of a guitar can change by simply taking away this cover. I know it sounds like voodoo, but it's true -- give it a try and hear the difference yourself.
3.If you don't use the tremolo, get it blocked professionally with a piece of wood. This will increase sustain and response dramatically.

4. Take care of your neck cavity. Uninstall the neck and check the cavity; it should be absolutely free of any paint, dirt and other things. Over the years I've found a lot of funny things there -- credit cards, paper, cardboard, etc.

Also, The bottom and sides of the neck cavity should be absolutely plain and free of any paint. If they're not, take a piece of sandpaper and rework your cavity until you see the plain wood. If you feel that the neck does not fit the cavity because the cavity is too wide or too low, get your guitar to an experienced luthier who will "shim" it. Bad work at this critical point can ruin your guitar's tone!

5.Check the corresponding part of the neck (the so-called "neck heel") that is attached to the neck cavity. Often you can find stickers there -- scrape them away. I also highly recommend sanding away all the paint until you can see and feel the plain wood. You don′t need any paint there, and a strong and even "wood to wood" connection will enhance the tone transfer dramatically. Bolt on the neck screws very tight, but don't overdo it.

6.Let your guitar breath. For this, you should take away the paint at any location that can′t be seen. One critical location is the surface underneath the bridge of a Strat. Eric Johnson knows what he's doing when he does this to all of his guitars. You can also completely remove the paint of the inside of the pickup cavities and the entire surface underneath the pickguard.
这条,你得把吉他上你看不见的地方的油漆全部磨掉。一个重要的地方就是STRAT琴桥下面的地方,ERIC JOHNSON知道这个,所以他所有的吉他这块的油漆都是空的。你也可以这样做。同时也可以把护板下面的油漆都给磨掉。

7. Fender has an interesting little detail on the Eric Johnson Strat. They sand away the paint on top of the inertia bar (a.k.a "tremolo block") that is attached to the bottom of the tremolo bottom plate for a better tone transfer. At first I thought that it was voodoo and marketing, but later I had to take out the inertia bar on one of my own Strats, and since it was out anyway, I gave it a try and the result was stunning. The tone is stronger -- it was like "freeing" my guitar. So give it a try and listen to see if it makes a difference on your guitars.
FENDER在做ERIC JOHNSON签名琴的时候,把INERTIA BAR(具体哪我也不知道,求高人解答)的油漆给磨掉,以获得声音更好的传导。开始我以为这就是个市场炒作的做法,后来我把我琴的这块也给磨了,然后音色变强了。所以试试。。。。

8. Different materials can really make a difference. I'm sure you all know the discussion about the Les Paul aluminum stop tailpiece, right? So here are different materials I've tried that made a big difference to the tone:
- Nut Material: This is a wide field to experiment in, which I've discussed at length in a previous column, but for me nothing beats a good bone nut. Others prefer brass, wood, stainless steel, plastic, etc. You have to try it on your own what you like best, but changing the nut material really makes a big difference in tone
琴枕的材料:作者表示他感觉骨制的最好。- Bridge Saddles: You should think about replacing the standard diecast saddles with the original sheet metal ones that were used during the fifties and sixties when you want a vintage tone. Brass or stainless steel saddles are also a good choice for a Strat.
琴桥的金属块:作者表示如果你像要VINTAGE的音色,把铸模的金属块换成ORIGINAL SHEET METAL(我想应该是压制的吧)并且黄铜和不锈钢的也不错。- Tuners: Different tuners will make a difference in your tone; heavier tuners like most Grover products will give you more sustain and a stronger and louder primary tone. The old Kluson tuners will make your Strat more open and transparent sounding with a faster attack.
调弦钮:不同的调弦钮音箱音色,重的调弦钮,类似GROVER,给你更多的延音和更强更大声的PRIMARY TONE?(音头?)KLUSON的旋钮给你更开放和透明的声音,并给你个快速的音头。- Bridges: If you have a cheap diescast bridge, you should think about replacing it with a metal one.
琴桥:如果你用铸模的桥,换成一个金属的。- Tremolo Bar: The material of the inertia bar is crucical for a Stratocaster's tone. Even here diecast is the standard today; historically correct and awesome sounding is steel. This mod is highly recommendable for all Strats!
TREMOLO BAR(下面那块金属?)现在大部分标准的都是铸模的,其实不锈钢的会更好。In general you can say that particularly diecast tends to dampen your guitar's primary tone and should be replaced with more vibrant and resonant materials for a better and faster tone transfer.

9. Increasing the mass of your guitar will have a noticeable influence on the tone and can help to get rid of certain dead spots on the fretboard. A classic trick is to clamp or screw some metal to the headstock of the guitar. I recommend checking out the "Fat Finger" clamp from Groove Tubes. The difference is subtle but audible and I can only recommend trying it. For a quick test, you can also use a metal capo from your acoustic guitar; the Kyser "quick change" model works great for this.
呃,这个我没看懂,大概就是说在琴头上装个FAT FINGER那样的东西可以改变声音。

10. It makes a big difference to the tone of a Strat if you use string trees or not, and where you place them. Using string trees changes the pressure that comes from the strings to the nut, and the higher the pressure, the stronger the tone. I use "butterfly" metal string trees for the D,G,B and high E string and I place them not too close to the nut, because I do a lot of "behind the nut" bendings.

To close, here are some more tips about your guitar's electronics and peripheral things:
1. Check the wiring of your guitar, you will often find a lot of crappy cables in there. Get a high-quality cable and rewire the complete electronics. It′s nearly unbelievable what this can do to your tone.
检查你吉他的线路,你会看到很多没用的线路,用高级的线重新替换整个线路。你的音色将会很大的改变.2. Check the pots, pickup selector switch and output jack. If you find some poor quality, made-in-the-far-east parts, get them replaced with quality parts.
检查电位器,挡位器还有输出口,你将看到一些质量差的,远东做的(。。。。。。。。我换成ALPHA就很高兴了,他们还鄙视远东造的)用质量好的东西替换他们。3. Restring your guitar with pure-nickel strings and hear details you've never heard before from your guitar.
重新换弦,用纯镍的。你将会听到更多的细节。4. Replace your cables with a very high quality cable (eg. George L's) and hear some more details you've never heard before while playing.
换高级连线,你将会听到更多细节。5. Try different plec materials and hear what you like best. From my experience I can say that the shell-colored celluloid plecs have the best Fender tone with a percussive attack and a lot of twang.试用不同材料的拨片。我认为赛璐璐的拨片会更适合FENDER音色。---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------俺的疑问,求向各位大师求教:1.我把琴桥的六颗螺丝给拧死了,这样就不能摇了,但是这样声音会不会更好?或者说这样会不会对琴有伤害?2我的SQUIER琴颈跟琴身连接的槽,比琴颈要大一块,边上。是不是做工问题?3关于锡纸的屏蔽,很多人都做,我也想做,但是按照上面那文章的说法,油漆都会有影响,锡纸会不会也有影响,这个是不是一个鱼和熊掌不可兼得的问题,要更好的共鸣就得放弃锡纸。4最后大家帮忙看下我的老SQUIER,琴体的木头是什么?(额,其实那个槽我都磨干净了,但是忘了拍照了,只有之前没磨时候的照片)以及我的琴颈是不是虎皮还是絮状枫木,我估计是SQUIER早期生产时候从其他地方拿的边角料做的琴颈。最后就是我的指板是枫木的么?怎么那么多褐色的条纹。我觉得这指板的木头比琴颈差多了。。。。

[ 本帖最后由 ChrisAn 于 2011-3-26 12:07 编辑 ]

ChrisAn 发表于 2011-3-26 12:05:37







这条,你得把吉他上你看不见的地方的油漆全部磨掉。一个重要的地方就是STRAT琴桥下面的地方,ERIC JOHNSON知道这个,所以他所有的吉他这块的油漆都是空的。你也可以这样做。同时也可以把护板下面的油漆都给磨掉。

7.FENDER在做ERIC JOHNSON签名琴的时候,把INERTIA BAR(具体哪我也不知道,求高人解答)的油漆给磨掉,以获得声音更好的传导。开始我以为这就是个市场炒作的做法,后来我把我琴的这块也给磨了,然后音色变强了。所以试试。。。。



琴桥的金属块:作者表示如果你像要VINTAGE的音色,把铸模的金属块换成ORIGINAL SHEET METAL(我想应该是压制的吧)并且黄铜和不锈钢的也不错。

调弦钮:不同的调弦钮音箱音色,重的调弦钮,类似GROVER,给你更多的延音和更强更大声的PRIMARY TONE?(音头?)KLUSON的旋钮给你更开放和透明的声音,并给你个快速的音头。


TREMOLO BAR(下面那块金属?)现在大部分标准的都是铸模的,其实不锈钢的会更好。


9.呃,这个我没看懂,大概就是说在琴头上装个FAT FINGER那样的东西可以改变声音。








ChrisAn 发表于 2011-3-26 12:07:02





冰风雪月 发表于 2011-3-26 12:11:29


boerKa 发表于 2011-3-26 22:07:21

顶起 对楼主朋友的分享精神表示感谢

ChrisAn 发表于 2011-3-26 23:25:18


muto 发表于 2011-3-27 00:05:39


aa刺青 发表于 2011-3-27 00:48:42


wxjlt 发表于 2011-3-27 00:53:31


修理工 发表于 2011-3-27 07:56:40

原帖由 ChrisAn 于 2011-3-26 12:07 发表






ChrisAn 发表于 2011-3-27 20:43:36


wxjlt 发表于 2011-3-27 21:44:02


antonfung 发表于 2011-3-27 21:44:59


wxjlt 发表于 2011-3-27 21:47:56


修理工 发表于 2011-3-28 07:38:19


ChrisAn 发表于 2011-3-28 22:19:51

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