@@@@【稀罕货!!Crate GX-212 吉他音箱 功率120W 】@@@@
音箱使用无问题!买回来后几乎不怎么用,音量很大,不过212的喇叭出来的声音就是猛得多!功率120W !!两只 卡特 custom 扬声器!成色自己看,该拍照的都拍了!!!
Featuring Twin Crate Custom L 12" speakers, 120 watts RMS, the GX212 is a powerhouse of tone. Perfect for professional and practicing musicians in the market for an amp that provides power and versatile tone---without exception. The GX212 includes Crate’s patented tube simulating Flexwave 5 Preamp, as well as three-channel operation for sparkling clean, rhythm, and buttery distortion.
配备了两个CRATE Custom L12寸喇叭,120瓦峰值功率,GX212可以称作音色的发电站。它的功率和多样音色非常适合专业或业余乐手日常使用。GX212使用了CRATE专利的真空管模拟前级技术以及3通道干净、节奏以及失真音色。
Player Type: The GX212 is for semi-professional to professional players who require a solid, versatile, hard working amp with straight ahead tone and power. Most likely, these kinds of players would have already owned a smaller practice amp, guitars, and probably effects pedals. This amp is designed to perform for just about every situation, the most often being a rehearsal or venue environment.
适用对象: GX212是给寻找一种结实、灵活多用并带有纯粹音色和功率音箱的半专业到专业级乐手最合适的选择。这些乐手通常已经拥有一个小型的练习用音箱、吉他以及踏板式效果器。这款音箱被设计来适应几乎任何情况下的演奏,最通常的是作为排练以及会场演出使用。 我有个gx120!顶了,,箱子确实很不错! 谢谢大家帮顶!!! 顶顶顶!!! 好东西
回复 11# woaixhm520 的帖子
谢谢。。 这箱子不得买了十几年了 95年左右推出的型号 声音不错 重要的是结实耐用回复 14# 科学怪人 的帖子
回复 21# Rissi 的帖子