Airneyking 发表于 2011-5-2 22:01:28

国外论坛上找到的好东西:ZVEX Super Hold On 的电路图以及制作教程!!!!!

Quick And Easy DIY SHO                                                Hey all -

I've heard of numerous attempts from folks building macguyverized SHO's with readily available parts (i.e. Rat Shack).

I just had to try it out myself:

1. To see if it really works
2. To see if it sounds really good

Lo and behold, both 1 and 2 are realities, and you even get the charming "crackle OK" effect as well.

Basically, you just sub a pair of 1 MEG resistors for 10 MEG units (either is adequately high enough to give a good, bright input impedance), a 22K resistor in place of the 5.1K, and a 20K/25K pot in place of the 5K unit.

Also, while the BS170 transistor is anything but unique, you won't find it at Rat Shack. But if your town has an electronics supplies store, it's probably available there. If not, you can usually find a 2N7000 at such stores. If Rat Shack is truly your only option, an IRF510 can be used, but with less gain (but the SHO has so much with the BS170 that it's not much of a factor, IMO). Just make sure you get the gate, source, and drain connected to the right spots, as not all mosfets are laid out in the same sequence.

Granted, to truly macgruberize this build, you need access to a DPDT stomp, but you could actually use a toggle instead. Since many folks leave the thing on all the time, you could even omit it - just make sure that the juice is cut when not in use, with either a dedicated power switch, or stereo jack for the input, to switch the battery off by pulling the input jack.

Then there's the enclosure. Obviously no Hammond boxes at RS. Not to worry - you could get one of their plastic boxes and shield the interior (awesome macguyverization possibilities there). I've also seen pedals built from junction boxes, PVC end caps, small baking pans flipped upside down, etc. Go hog wild, here.

How to build the circuit itself? I'll leave that up to those who are up to the challenge. It's not that challenging to build on a perfboard, in all honesty. Just two capacitors, two diodes, one transistor, four resistors, and one potentiometer is the whole circuit.

Anything else to modify? If you don't like the full spectrum bandpass effect of the SHO, you can cut down the input cap to .01uF-.047uF, and the output cap to .1uF. The stock value of 10uF for the output is overkill, IMO. YMMV.

And if you can build one of these, you can build a Super Duper, or even a Box of Rock. They both use the SHO in a modular fashion. The BOR is basically a BSIAB with mosfets in place of the jfets. I've also heard that the Box of Metal is also modular in fashion. If you're up to a slightly different challenge, you could build Joe Davisson's Obsidian. It's basically a variation of the BOR minus the boost stage and pot crackle.

Airneyking 发表于 2011-5-2 22:27:51


gundamz2 发表于 2011-5-2 22:34:52


Airneyking 发表于 2011-5-2 22:36:55

原帖由 gundamz2 于 2011-5-2 22:34 发表
目前就好奇台湾产的和美产的除了图画以外,声音有啥区别,8过上ZVEX官网看多了以后,贵N多的美产还是吸引 ...

Airneyking 发表于 2011-5-2 23:09:48


Airneyking 发表于 2011-5-3 10:35:54


Airneyking 发表于 2011-5-3 18:07:33


来米二 发表于 2011-5-4 09:44:29

Airneyking 发表于 2011-5-4 10:38:19

原帖由 来米二 于 2011-5-4 09:44 发表
证明您很卓越!想做一个卓越 ...

我们是糖 发表于 2011-5-4 15:21:27

不懂电路,SHO是不是很简单?国内已经有复刻了 ,搞的我原版都不想买了哈哈

刺客诗人 发表于 2011-5-4 17:22:02


Airneyking 发表于 2011-5-4 17:26:33

原帖由 我们是糖 于 2011-5-4 15:21 发表
不懂电路,SHO是不是很简单?国内已经有复刻了 ,搞的我原版都不想买了哈哈 据大家说是很简单,而且这图看起来也不复杂啊。你自己复刻肯定比买复刻的便宜的多。

Airneyking 发表于 2011-5-4 17:27:53

原帖由 刺客诗人 于 2011-5-4 17:22 发表

唐朋佐 发表于 2011-5-5 04:00:24

Airneyking 发表于 2011-7-9 09:04:18

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查看完整版本: 国外论坛上找到的好东西:ZVEX Super Hold On 的电路图以及制作教程!!!!!