Peavey Windsor Studio 是全管箱子吗?
Peavey Windsor Studio 是全管箱子吗?介绍只说有俩前级管 求解啊 lz。全管的定义是什么啊? 前后级都有管啊 This little Class A, 15-watt screamer arrives from the factory with two 12AX7 preamp tubes and one EL34 power-amp tube 上图看看 原帖由 ak474ka 于 2011-7-31 22:46 发表This little Class A, 15-watt screamer arrives from the factory with two 12AX7 preamp tubes and one EL34 power-amp tube 看不懂啊 是全管呢前级两12AX7 后级1个EL34 原帖由 ak474ka 于 2011-7-31 22:46 发表
This little Class A, 15-watt screamer arrives from the factory with two 12AX7 preamp tubes and one EL34 power-amp tube 兄弟你这段话从哪来的? 是全管的,前级两12AX7 后级1个EL34,还可以自己根据音色自己换后级管,那箱子不错,自己在家还是排练都行,喜欢他的失真,总是那么猛,我朋友刚买一个月就出国了,你要不,我给你问问,那箱子不错的