[求助]STEVE VAI 大师的《上帝的爱》吉他谱。详细些。用什么效果调出~
谢谢。。。。。。我爱吉他。。。。我爱音乐~我爱节奏摇滚~ www.mysongbook.com 啥 Well, Here's the Transcription for Steve Vai's "For the Love of God". Be a good person and go buy a bunch of his stuff! At least go to his website, and check out his videos and stuff.....Definitely get to work! Start practicing, this one gets ugly! 天,怎么都发不出来,上帝之爱的图片谱啊 。。。 你的图片连接对吗?是不是超过200K了? 什么啊,我看不懂 前边延音我老喜欢听了,基本上是每天练琴以前都听后边加的哇音,脑袋都听大了