Vox night train 50w箱头有人用过没?给介绍下
想买 只能从国外捎 视频很少啊[ 本帖最后由 LEPANTO 于 2011-8-16 18:28 编辑 ] 50w???没见过。。。。哥们现在使着Vox night train --nt15,15瓦跟7.5瓦 切换 音色 很不错。。。动态好。。。 All-tube, two channel head featuring Class AB amplifier construction
Stylish design with eye-catching mirror finish
12AX7 (x4) preamp tubes; EL34 (x2) power stage tubes
BRIGHT channel provides the traditional VOX chime;
plus a THICK switch which bypasses the EQ for more gain
GIRTH channel delivers an energetic powerful high-gain tone
Master TIGHT switch cuts the low end to tighten the overall sound
FX loop with tone-saving true bypass
Optional VFS2A footswitch; Switch between channels
or turn the BRIGHT channel’s THICK mode on and off http://www.voxamps.com/images/modernclassic/nighttrain50/lg_NT50H_Front.jpg http://www.voxamps.com/images/modernclassic/nighttrain50/lg_NT50H_Rear.jpg
给点意见 不是吧 没人用过?