求助!怎样解决Fende pro junior电子管音箱底噪问题?
求助!怎样解决Fende pro junior电子管音箱底噪问题?新入手Fende pro junior电子管音箱,但这箱子设计底噪有点大,求解决Fende pro junior电子管音箱底噪问题!谢谢各路高手! 一分钱一分货。貌似都这样。。。 这是这音箱的设计通病,音色还是很好的! 设计问题不太好解决。通常是加屏蔽,加滤波。可以通过适当的信号短路,来判断噪声来自前级还是后级。 应该是后级,因为把音量扭全关(相當于輸入短路),噪音依然存在!回复 6# 客栈乐队 的帖子
没错,那就是后级。那就加屏蔽和滤波试试吧。尤其是有交流声的话。 是电路问题,需要改动电路某元件参数才行,听说外国有人改过,求实例! 那就看看这个吧。1. Noise:
Turns our Fender in their infinite wisdom of R&D decided the PJ doesn't need the green heater wires twisted together and routed separated from signal wires in the chassis like every other amp on the planet. In fact, they're run un-twisted, in parallel and zip tied tightly to both power and signal wires. Duh, Fender. I started by cutting the zip ties and moving the rest of the wires away and laying those wires close to the PCB and front of the chassis. Then, holding the heater wires apart (still attached on both ends) I started twisting the pair together at both ends working my way to the center. Then I routed them first from the lower tube socket PCB along the rear edge of the chassis, crossing other wires at right angles and keeping them toward the rear panel (or where it will be when buttoned up) to the power transformer. I then pushed the other wires together and tucked toward the top of the chassis but didn't zip tie anything together. I powered the amp up and it's not dead silent, but at least 90% better than it was stock. 或者这个网址http://www.instructables.com/id/Mod-your-Fender-Pro-Jr/?ALLSTEPS
注意step 12 就是降噪。 谢谢热火头,但我强烈需要一个翻译!
回复 11# 客栈乐队 的帖子
谷哥翻译能大概搞定,我这个英盲老用谷哥翻译解决回复 11# 客栈乐队 的帖子
大体的意思是信号线和电源线用扎带捆在一起了。你只需要把它们分开,各自拧成双绞线,减少干扰,然后各走各的位置,90%的噪声就可以消除了。网址里的第12步中的图片可以看到绿色的电源线拧成双绞线了。 好的,找天拆箱试试! 电源部分滤波不好,并几个0.01的电容回复 15# 六角 的帖子
你试过吗? 终于找到问题在哪了,回头按上面说明试试,我一直以为是接地的问题。 这玩意我有,在公司底噪比较大,带到家里没底噪