twinamp 发表于 2012-1-22 21:05:55

Marshall JVM410JS Joe satriani signature

Marshall JVM410JS 是传闻已久的Joe satriani signature, 实话说这个名字太烂,还不如JSX好听

主设计师Santiago Alvarez,Satch在前两张专辑和现场中都是在不断给意见改进, 主要的和普通JVM410的差别有:
[*]Joe liked the flexibility of the stock JVM410H, but wanted some slightly different voicing.[*]Less feedback than stock was also important.[*]feedback比普通版少一点[*]The built in reverb has been replaced by the noise gate directly from the 2203KK (Kerry King signature JCM800), and is per channel, and mutes before the FX loop.[*]内置的混响被噪音门取代,每个通道都有独立的,这个是从Kerry King signature JCM800上直接搬过来的技术[*]Channel switching used to take 50-60ms, becuse the amp needed to mute itself which various switching inside the amp took place.because of the built in noise gate, this switching has been improved and now takes only 5-10ms, which is not audible because it’s so fast.[*]通道切换一般需要50-60毫秒,因为需要关闭很多选择性开关先,因为有了噪音门,切换时间被缩短到5-10毫秒,这几乎是听不出来的[*]The parallel FX loop is replaced with a serial loop, with a return level control similar to the AFD100.[*]并联的FX loop 换成了串联的,return上加了level control[*]The clean green channel is a direct clone of a Marshall LM6100 clean channel.[*]clean通道是30周年纪念版LM6100上直接复制过来的[*]The crunch orange is an exact clone of a Marshall JCM800 (2203).[*]crunch(桔色)通道是JCM800的音色[*]The crunch red channel is amost identical to an AFD100 in AFD mode.[*]crunch(红色)通道和slash 签名箱的AFD模式几乎相同[*]The OD channels are less compressed sounding and have a little less gain overall.Also they are more dynamic.[*]OD通道压缩更少,gain更少,这样更具动态[*]A choke has been added, the power supply circuit has been improved, the feedback tap modified.[*]供电线路加了choke(一种起滤波作用的感应器,外观像变压器)有了很大提升[*]The whole amp is a little less tight sounding, and is therefore more dynamic.[*]整个音色不像以前那么紧凑但更有动态[*]OD1 red has a little less gain than it used to have, and is roughly alightly more gain thant he current production OD1 orange channel.[*]OD1 red 比现在的 OD1 orange gain 大点[*]OD1 green and orange have thus been adjusted to space out the different OD1 modes in relation to the OD1 red having been changed.[*]OD1 green orange跟现在的更部一样了

目前好像还没看到庐山真面目,今年是Marshall 50周年,估计推出一堆东西忙不过来。

视频里的Fat Ass居然指导Satch做手势,看来SB到处都有

[ 本帖最后由 twinamp 于 2012-1-23 22:25 编辑 ]

funkyqueen 发表于 2012-1-22 22:01:34


rocklover_2000 发表于 2012-1-22 22:43:30


Possessed 发表于 2012-1-23 05:56:48



[ 本帖最后由 Possessed 于 2012-1-23 06:04 编辑 ]

twinamp 发表于 2012-1-23 16:16:04


daye2000 发表于 2012-1-23 20:51:37

Nuju0460 发表于 2012-1-25 12:33:30

daye2000 发表于 2012-1-26 20:14:22

twinamp 发表于 2012-1-26 21:58:19

Joe不爱混响,6100, JSX都没有混响
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