请问gibson Hummingbird ARTIST 和classic的区别
两把吉他除了护板以外还有其他区别吗 这个牌子没研究过,可以去官网上查一下,每个型号都有大致的说明的,然后看看琴体宽度、长度、深度,大致可以知道彼此的区别了。腰身细的音会比较闪亮,琴体长而深的共鸣会比较强烈,个人经验仅供参考。 木有人知道具体点的吗 很多人大概会觉得 ARTIST就是 hummingbird的简化版 其实不然 两者的琴型都有所不同ARTIST 的肩膀窄一些 是介于j45和Hummingbird之间的那种肩膀 差别好大几千元。artist是我知道的最便宜的型号了,我这几天也在研究这牌子,希望懂的高手多说几句,包括songwriter和j45的知识 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/thread-833669-1-1.html有一点介绍 The problem there for Hummingbird purists, however, is that the Hummingbird Artist model is actually built in a different body mould than the other Hummingbirds - the Hummingbird Artist is actually based on the more modern dreadnought design of the Gibson Songwriter, only instead of having a long scale and rosewood back and sides like the Songwriter it's got the short scale and mahogany back and sides.
So, in a sense, it's like a cross between the Songwriter and the Hummingbird.
Anyway, that should give you some background. The Hummingbird Artist is basically a short scale Songwriter with mahogany back and sides, and has the more compact modern dreadnought body size that was first unveiled in the 1990's in the Gibson "CL Series" guitars, which eventually evolved into the Songwriter.
The bracing pattern that the Songwriters have is the same as the Advanced Jumbo. There's the same bracing pattern in the Hummingbird Artist, but with an accommodation for the shorter scale. It's pretty lightly braced, which is why both Songwriters and Hummingbird Artists tend to sound good. 楼上的Gibson songwriter deluxe custom用的怎么样?? 高端设备问题,我只能看热闹。。。 一样的疑问 这把蜂鸟ARTIST很少有人了解啊 网上又查不到