stephenzb 发表于 2012-4-11 16:28:53

《MIDI》手册第三版 [新浪微盘]

The MIDI Manual : A Practical Guide to MIDI in the ProjectStudio
English | Focal Press | March 2007 | ISBN-10: 0240807987 | PDF |384 pages | 26.2 mb


The MIDI Manual is a complete reference on MIDI, written by awell-respected sound engineer and author. This best-selling guideprovides a clear explanation of what MIDI is, how to use electronicinstruments and an explanation of sequencers and how to use them.You will learn how to set up an efficient MIDI system and how toget the best out of your music.
The MIDI Manual is packed full of useful tips and practicalexamples on sequencing and mixing techniques. It also coverseditors/librarians, working with a score, MIDI in mass media andmultimedia and synchronisation. The MIDI spec is set out in detailalong with the helpful guidelines on using the implementationchart.
Illustrated throughout with helpful photos and screengrabs, this isthe most readable and clear book on MIDI available.
* Complete illustrated guide to the MIDI spec and explanation ofthe implementation chart
* Practical advice on sampling and sequencing, covering all themajor DAWs
* Includes all the latest developments in hardware andsoftware

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