Available Spring 2012
For years folks have asked..."Why don't you have a power supply of your own?" We had a lot of excuses. The main reason was that we felt there were plenty of great power supply choices out there, and there are! But over time we saw a need for a super quiet, primarily 9volt supply with a few innovative optional features. So we partnered with the brilliant electronic engineers at Creation Audio Labs in Nashville and are now proud to introduce the Powertrain1250. Selectable between 115 or 230 volt operation. So you can confidently use your powertrain1250 anywhere in the world! the powertrain1250 mounts conveniently underneath all pedaltrains (excluding NANO and MINI) by simply drilling 4 small holes using our custom designed template. No mounting brackets necessary! 终于……不打算把肥肉都让给voodoo了 有价格么 要是比卡尔马丁贵的太多 就没有竞争力了啊 同问价格?? 昨天查了下好贵啊 200美金 最左边那个9-18伏切换的设计确实很好,但电流太小了,除了9伏的可以有这么小的电流外,其他的都要求很大的电流,比如用瓦米,TC ND-1延时,TONEBONE系列电子管效果=器电流都不够,这就成了一个鸡肋的设计。 不能同时12V、18V!!~!哎!!可惜! 强大 要体积nice,电压可调,全独立供电,最佳选择就是Burkey Six,比voodoo lab干净有力太多。