Vox Night Train NT15 Amp Head
试听:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ5MDYxOTA0.html岩石般坚固,没有失色 , 让音乐人准备上路。全真空管的VOX箱头。
· 坚固的设计,为了行动性而制造的全真空管箱头。
· 两支12AX7前置放大器真空管及两支EL84力量真空管, 无失色的声色。
· 可选择的明亮 (BRIGHT) 或厚实 (THICK) 的模式, 为精确音色提供均衡器和增益的变化。
· 双力量真空管提供15瓦特 (五级真空管力量) 或7.5瓦特 (三级真空管音色) 的效能。
· 控制主音量去调整弹奏音量之时, 仍然能保存你的增益设置。
· 坚固,充满工业感及精致的反光网面外壳设计, 保持真空管通爽。
· 附有软垫物料制成的手提包。
把你炽热的声音带到晚上的演示; 坐在你最喜爱的酒吧; 与朋友一起弹奏着; 即使要穿州过省 – 或是任何时刻! Night Train(夜间列车) NT15H就是你最新的好朋友。 Night Train随时准备给予你顺滑和美满的真空管音色。 我们了解你不想选择杀手般或太随便的音色。 而Night Train绝对是你所须要的。
Night Train是一头性感的野兽。 能让你放心是因为它坚固,Night Train少于十七磅-,”装甲快餐盒”的大小极度轻便。外壳以冷却性高的镀铬物反光网面制成,署名VOX钻石型设计显露出那激励人心的真空管发光发热。 当然,Night Train NT15H也附送了专用的软垫手提包让你好好保护你的投资。
音色是完全的VOX。 在里面,一对EL84真空管保证了力量。 两支12AX7管则处理前置放大器力度和清晰。这赢得口碑的真空管跟VOX AC15是相同的。 从钟声般清澈的干声到最暖和的过载,不能否认那纯净, 和谐; 悦耳的的真空管丰富表现。
一个独立的开关让你可以选择在五极或三极管之间操作。 在五极模式下,Night Train提供充足的15瓦特力量。 在三极管模式下,力量则削减为7.5瓦特。 三极管模式也放松了真空管的力量,令音色柔滑光洁,散发着柔和的真空管光芒。
Night Train 有一个清晰, 简易的面板设计; 提供熟悉的增益和音量控制。 音调控制包括高音、中部和低音,随你所好去调出个人风格的音色。 另外,前置放大器部分则以开关模式控制,提供明亮和厚实的选择。 明亮的方式强调清澈,钟声般的高频率组分; 厚实的设置绕过音调电路扩大增益及做出更厚实更重的声音。
配备了8Ω和16Ω的音箱插头,Night Train可以立刻使用于任何音箱。
成色刚刚的 等于全新 到手一个多月 配件为原装电源线一条 2200rmb
欢迎本地自取试完拿走 可出外地外地邮费自理 顺丰到付 我会替你包装好
[ 本帖最后由 1930740043 于 2012-5-15 22:52 编辑 ] 让音乐人准备上路 原帖由 CARSONlee 于 2012-5-15 23:20 发表
哈哈 直接复制别人写的介绍 深圳 帮顶 ,请检查一下你相片中的型号,和你复制别人介绍的型号是否一致。 2瓦的头套了15瓦的介绍...... 谢楼上两位 的确匆匆忙忙搞错了
Vox NT2H Lil' Night Train 2W Tube Guitar Amp Head
Product Details
Amazon Sales Rank: #20929 in Musical Instruments
Brand: Vox
Model: NT2H
Dual purpose output - The Lil' Night Train provides a headphone/line out jack - a feature surprisingly rare on an all-tube amp.
Two-way tone switch - In order to meet the needs of any style or playing technique, the Lil' Night Train lets you choose from two tonal characters.
High-performance VOX custom speaker cable - Included with the Lil' Night Train is a high-performance VOX custom speaker cable.
The dedicated V110NT speaker cabinet is the perfect companion for the Lil' Night Train head.
Power Output - 2 Watts RMS into 16 ohm; 1.5 Watts RMS into 8 ohms
Packing a ten-inch custom Celestion VX10 speaker, this cabinet delivers a rich, full-bodied tone. (V110NT is sold separately and is not included with this purchase)
The rounded retro-look exterior a great match for the Lil' Night Train, making it ideal choice in both sound and design.
This output contains a cabinet simulator reproduces the resonances and spatial character of a quality speaker cabinet,
So you enjoy real tube amp sound during night-time practice sessions or when recording directly from your Night Train.
This premium cable is constructed from thick 16 gauge wire designed for high audio quality,
Thick mode bypasses the tone circuitry, boosting the gain to create a more full and beefy sound.
The Bright mode boosts the high-frequency range for the familiar VOX chime; Get your one-way ticket to killer tone on the Lil' Night Train!
The VOX Night Train first caught musicians' eyes - and ears - with its ultra-cool mirror finish and serious all-tube sound. Now welcome the Lil' Night Train. At under 5 lb., it carries this same minimalist flair and portability to an all new level!
Light enough to take anywhere, the Lil' Night Train lets you enjoy the traditional yet individualistic VOX aura in any musical situation, without ever leaving your signature tone behind! Rehearsing, recording, at a gig, or practicing quietly at home, the Lil' Night Train's all-tube design offers a diverse range of authentic, all-tube VOX sounds. The exterior features a durable mirror-finished chassis, cut in the familiar VOX diamond pattern.
All-tube design for uncompromising sound
Compact and powerful, the Lil' Night Train head boasts vacuum tubes in both the preamp and power amp stages. The preamp uses two 12AX7 tubes, while the power-amp uses one 12AU7, providing that sense of drive, power, and fatness that's obtainable only from vacuum tubes.
Dual purpose output
The Lil' Night Train provides a headphone/line out jack - a feature surprisingly rare on an all-tube amp. This output contains a cabinet simulator that reproduces the resonance and spatial character of a quality speaker cabinet, so you can enjoy real tube amp sound even during night-time practice sessions or when recording directly from your Night Train.
Two-way tone switch
In order to meet the needs of any style or playing technique, the Lil' Night Train lets you choose from two tonal characters. The Bright mode boosts the high-frequency range for the familiar VOX chime; the Thick mode bypasses the tone circuitry, boosting the gain to create a more full and beefy sound.
Authentic VOX all-tube tone in a stylish and ultra-compact 2W head
2 - 12AX7 preamp vacuum tubes; single 12AU7 power tube
Treble, bass, gain, and volume controls
Two-way mode switch: Bright boosts the high frequencies and activates the EQ, Thick bypasses the EQ and boosts the gain for a full, beefy sound
Headphone/line out jack is fantastic for recording Lil' Night Train's tube sound directly or for those late-night practicing undefined undefined undefined 已出封帖! 这个 2瓦的啊 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。