fodera HYBIRD custom bass
[*]Model:Custom Hybrid bass[*]Top Wood:Pommelle Sapele [*]Body Wood:Alder (Alder Tone Block and Pommelle Sapele Back)
[*]Fingerboard Wood:Brazilian Rosewood [*]Neck Wood:3-pc. Oak
[*]Neck Joint:Neck-Through
[*]Scale Length:36"
[*]Strings:6 (19.0mm spacing)
[*]Frets28 (Large) [*]FB Inlay:Blank [*]Pickups:Fodera / Duncan Dual Coil
[*]Preamp:Passive with 3-way Toggle switch [*]Control Layout:Custom
[ 本帖最后由 ono69 于 2012-6-4 19:19 编辑 ] 好在是空心 28品!! 无敌~~~~~沙发!!! 对这种琴真的是没半点兴趣, 好难看啊 形状好看,主要是音色不好。。 这种琴必须需要很牛逼的周边作为支撑,才能体现其魅力~ = =....antony jackson用的就這個,設備就貌似一個音量踏板,琴直插箱子+mic試音...
也不見得是多牛的周邊...fodera如果要靠周邊才能體現魅力,那這10幾萬的琴可以當柴燒了 十几万算什么?中型演奏厅如果不是用上百万的钢琴,你都感觉不到是在弹一首完整的曲子。电声乐器就是需要依靠强大的周边才能达到和传统乐器一样的效果,总之就是别想省钱省周边。至于AJ的现场设备好像白版主比较清楚。 这个琴体比那个烧鸡贝司要好看,琴颈乍一看以为是ASH。 没有钮??? 这把并不是AJ,但配置的确很相似
琴颈是OAK橡木,比较少见 橡木琴体~~~看起来密度非常均匀啊
回复 14楼 蝙蝠WX 的帖子
是橡木琴颈提到橡木,我最先想到的是鼓棒,呵呵 我想到红酒 虽然木纹不同,但是第一感觉,认为和椴木会差不多效果 哦不是椴木是**木 长见识。 这种东西也就是看看估计再过个N年才能驾驭 周边设备肯定功不可没,但换个思维,琴和设备不是相辅相成吗
相反,更早建厂的ken smith则给人多多少少“墨守成规”的印象(此处没有贬低意思,相比fodera,smith只是理念不同)
[ 本帖最后由 ono69 于 2012-6-5 14:27 编辑 ] fodera官网上有关此琴的介绍:
Representing over four years of thinking, innovations and development, this is the instrument that we have referred to as "The Hybrid."This name is derived from it sharing construction techniques used for both solid body and acoustic instruments.Our heel-less method of attaching the neck to the body while still allowing for a completely hollow, acoustic body is patented.
Within the hollow body of the instrument is a "suspension" type construction fabricated from old growth Mahogany that allows for the placement of the bridge and single Fodera / Duncan Dual Coil Pickup.
All of the tonewoods used were selected from the best of the best that we have in the shop and the top was hand carved both externally and internally in a manner that maximizes the overall resonance of the instrument.Taking the shape of an Anthony Jackson Presentation, its body is both larger and deeper.
Tonally it is flat out awe inspiring...offering the most consistent, nuanced, deep sound we have ever heard from one of our instruments.The bar has just been raised. KS真的太不变通了,我想要16.5弦距的他永远也不会做,要不是喜欢他的声音和外形, 楼上的给它琴桥开条槽,哈哈 美的 漂亮啊 做人要厚道,看帖要回!! 。。。我也觉得好难看,,像一只蟑螂肚子。 FODERA一向以名贵材料著称,如果国际贸易保护公约允许估计还要拿象牙犀角紫檀做到琴上去,但是声音会怎样不好说了
回复 27楼 九寸丁老九 的帖子
九哥,好久不见 九哥真的好久不见了…忙啥呢 太美了!