fender custom shop 51‘nocaster NOS 用过的朋友过来说说。
这琴除了琴颈粗一些之外,和52tele在构造细节上还有什么不同?还有,这琴颈到底有多粗?跟Gibson的57 les Paul比怎么样?
还有,之前有一个探讨telecaster的强贴找不到了,谁帮忙贴过来一下? 51 Nocaster sounds fatter than the 52 Tele... 楼上的朋友有这琴吗? i have 51 nocaster ... 这么夸张??? 楼上有51的朋友请多说说。
楼上的楼上,你弹过Gibson的R7 LP吗?和R7相比51的粗度如何?
回复 8楼 肥皂 的帖子
My nocaster is wildwood spec, so it is easy to handle.Similar to R8.... 楼上的你非得说英文吗?
回复 10楼 肥皂 的帖子
Sorry I am from Macau, sometime it is hard to type Chinese, sorry......My nocaster is one piece ash with nocaster blonde, similar to butter scotch 52 tele;
But little brighter and creamer feel.......
Over all speaking, very light weight guitar with fast action and respond..... 请问楼上的朋友你的51是哪年产的?
回复 12楼 肥皂 的帖子
My 51 nocaster was made in the year of 2009.Wildwood spec with one piece ash