我听说fender custom shop 51‘nocaster NOS带两个琴盒,请问有这事吗?
如题,懂的朋友过来说说这琴,最近有兴趣 mine has only one. 楼上的你的是只有一个那个温度计琴盒是吗?回复 3楼 肥皂 的帖子
Same like the Fender Tweed harhsell case....nothing special....51 Nocaster is great guitar and sounds amazing!!!!
I love it more than 52 tele.... 52tele你也有啊?
回复 4楼 搭Tone天地线 的帖子
说鸟语,有意思么回复 6楼 GibsonVintage 的帖子
i am out of town right now, so that i can not type Chinese....I just want to share with others, nothing special.....
回复 5楼 肥皂 的帖子
I like 51 ..... u can type in pinyin原帖由 搭Tone天地线 于 2012-7-22 11:31 发表i am out of town right now, so that i can not type Chinese....
I just want to share with others, nothing special..... ebay上面和老外店售的都是帆布的枪盒
50年代初的最早为50 51 52配的盒子都是帆布的枪盒 现在都氧化成棕色了
貌似带枪盒的51会略贵一点 当然不会有2个盒子