量子熊猫 发表于 2012-10-18 02:04:30

Line6 POD HD 2.10 固件升级【补充Soldano® 等】 ( HD500 HD机架 黑腰子 ONLY)

What’s New? POD HD500 2.1 includes five new HD guitar amp models and integration support for L3t, L3m, and L3s speakers over L6 LINK.
更新了什么 ? POD HD500 2.1 包含了五个新的高清吉他放大器模型,以及整合了对L3t, L3m, and L3s话筒的支持(通过L6 LINK接口).

[*]“Solo 100 Clean”, “Solo 100 Crunch”, and “Solo 100 Overdrive” HD Guitar Amp Models Three new HD guitar amp models based on* the Clean/Crunch and Overdrive channels of the classic, hand-built Soldano® SLO100 Super Lead Overdrive 100-watt head. 三个新的吉他音箱模型,基于Soldano® SLO100 Super Lead Overdrive 100W 箱头制成。[*]“Line 6 Doom” and “Line 6 Epic” HD Guitar Amp Models Two new, Line 6 original HD guitar amp models with lots of gain on tap. Line 6 Doom delivers maximum sludge by combining a Marshall® JCM800 preamp and Hiwatt® Custom 100 power amp with some additional tweaks. Line 6 Epic provides sustain for days at virtually any playing dynamic, giving up gobs of distortion with ease. Play with the Master Volume parameter to experience the true versatility of these amps. 这两个是现在放出但Line6(在PODXT、X3等版本中)原有的高增益音箱模型。‘’Line 6 毁灭者"基于Marshall® JCM800 前级加上Hiwatt® Custom 100 后级,配合一些别的参数,带给你最脏的音色。”Line 6 史诗"能反应出一切弹奏细节,并且“余音绕梁三日不绝于耳”,让你不用大量失真就能轻松弹奏。调整总音量旋钮来体会这几个箱子的多样性吧。[*]StageSource Speaker Support (for POD HD500 and HD Pro) The update also enables POD HD Pro and POD HD500 to integrate with StageSource loudspeakers in revolutionary new ways. You can instantly recall StageSource Smart Speaker modes via POD HD presets, making StageSource and POD HD Pro or HD500 the ultimate integrated FRFR (Full Range Flat Response) guitar system. You can switch from a full-range acoustic sound for the verse to a dialed-in 2 x 12” guitar cabinet for the chorus—with just the press of a footswitch. You can also change to Keyboard mode for dramatic guitar synth soundscapes. Add multiple StageSource speakers via L6 LINK for stereo effects configuration, wet/dry/wet setups, and more. 这个升级允许HD 机架和HD500与StageSource的喇叭合并使用,创造革命性的新方法。你能立刻通过 StageSource的智能喇叭(Smart Speaker )模式来监听HD的音色,打造 由StageSource与POD HD一同构成的FRFR(全频均衡响应)的吉他演奏系统。你能从荡漾着宽阔的木吉他声音主歌部分,瞬间转到接了一个212箱体的副歌部分——只需踩上一脚。你也可以把你的吉他变成键盘,享用戏剧性的吉他合成器功能。添加更多的扬声器,通过L6LINK接口得到立体声效配置、湿/干/湿 设置、以及更多。(该功能仅支持HD500、HD 机架)

量子熊猫 发表于 2012-10-18 02:05:46


九月稻草人 发表于 2012-10-18 10:34:42

300啥时候再更新 就喜欢更新 更新控。。

beyondhu 发表于 2012-10-18 12:54:18


量子熊猫 发表于 2012-10-20 00:36:02

补充说明,这次更新修正了黑腰子配FBV EXPRESS踏板的一个重大bug

之前使用黑腰子搭配FBV EXPRESS(MKII)时在looper模式下是无法正常使用的,原因在于LOOPER与tap(打点)功能存在按键(踏板)冲突。现在2.10中已经完全修正该问题。

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查看完整版本: Line6 POD HD 2.10 固件升级【补充Soldano® 等】 ( HD500 HD机架 黑腰子 ONLY)