Benny131 发表于 2012-11-30 00:53:35

纠结中。。00028H M36 omjm ........

虽说自己有把不错的琴Seagull Maritime 'SWS' HG,不过为了圆自己一个MARTIN梦,还是准备烧吧.........
因为还是比较喜欢窄指板,又喜欢M36和omjm的复古黄所以一直在00028H M36 omjm这几支琴里纠结............查了下国外的网



给各位martin迷分享下 000和OM 的区别,大家也可以做些参考:

Nut Width (includes wider neck and bridge spacing):

OM. OMs normally have a 1 3/4" nut width. However, some Limited and Special Editions (John Mayer, Paul Simon, Richie Sambora) have 1 11/16".

12-fret 000. All 12-fret 000s have a 1 3/4 nut width or greater.

14-fret 000.
a. All 000's in the 16 Series and below are 1 11/16".
a. The 000-18 and the 000-28 000s in the Standard Series and below are 1 11/16" and the 000-42 is 1 3/4".
b. All 000s in the Vintage Series are 1 3/4" or greater (000-28VS)
c. 000s in the Limited and Special editions vary by model, but most are 1 3/4".

Scale Length:

OM. All OMs are long scale, 25.4" nut to saddle.

12-fret 000. All 12-fret 000s are long scale (since approximately 1924) except for the Norman Blake models, which are short scale. These models are an exception to the rule, perhaps because they combine a 12-fret neck with a 14-fret 000 size body and are thus one-of-a-kind design models.

14-fret 000:
a. All 000s in the 16 Series and below are long scale.
b. All 000s in the Standard and Vintage Series are short scale, 24.9" nut to saddle.
c. 000s in the Limited and Special Editions vary by model. Most, but not all, are short scale.


16 Series and below: All 14-fret 16 Series and below OMs and 000s have identical bracing by comparable model, i.e., 000-15 vs OM-15. 12-fret 000s have their own bracing pattern.

OM. All OMs in the Standard Series and above are 1/4" scalloped, with forward placed bracing.

12-fret 000. All in the Standard Series and above are scalloped with forward bracing. The 1938/9 rear placement on the 14 fret models never occurred with 12-fret 000's, so they maintain their original configuration. 16 Series have Hybrid-X bracing, which is scalloped but an entirely different pattern, and 15 Series and below have A-Frame bracing, which is simpler and not scalloped. Thanks to oldtimey828 for this latest info.

14-fret 000.

a. Standard Series are 5/16" non scalloped for the 000-18 and 000-28 and scalloped for the 000-42. The 000-28H is no longer listed but was scalloped.
b. Vintage Series: 5/16" scalloped. The 000-28EC is not forward shifted. I believe that the 000-18WG was forward shifted, but it is no longer listed.
c. Limited Editions: Varies by model.
d. Special Editions: Varies by model.
e. Exceptions: The 000-18GE and 000-18A bracing pattern is 1/4" and forward placed. The 000-18 Kenny Sultan is 1/4" but not forward placed.


OM. All OMs have the small “teardrop” pickguard.

000. All currently produced 12 and 14-fret 000s that have a pickguard have the large size (except the Martin Carthy 000-18, which has the teardrop).

Body Size (inches):

OM and 14-fret 000.
Body Length: 19 3/8
Upper Bout: 11 1/4
Lower Bout: 15
Upper Depth: 3 11/32
Lower Depth: 4 1/8

12-fret 000.
Body Length: 20 7/16
Upper Bout: 10 3/4
Lower Bout: 15
Upper Depth: 3 1/4
Lower Depth: 4 1/16


12-fret 000: Most are slotted headstock, but a few (Jimmy Buffett) are solid headstock
14-fret 000: All are solid headstock
OM: All are solid headstock

As far as tone etc. goes, this subject is of course very subjective. This is a bit of an overgeneralizaiton, but many folks think that the OM has more volume and projection due to the longer scale length, and the 000 has a "Blusier" sound and is easier to play.

hlc_0416 发表于 2012-11-30 03:57:49



dtyecool 发表于 2012-11-30 08:13:17

最好网上试听下 有条件去试弹下

BrunoMars 发表于 2012-11-30 10:33:29


吉她一生 发表于 2012-11-30 10:46:12

ooo和M型,区别在于弦长和箱体大小不同,至于指板都是一样的。D型标准宽。我不是弹过,是拥有过两个琴型的马丁,所以才说这话,不过具体数据我不知道, 音色000型箱体小些,适合指弹,弹唱音头过于突出,不好掌握,有点强人声,M型....早已很多琴友下定论,全能型。包括养眼..呵呵。奉劝尽快决定,赶紧买,或许一些代理商那边还有存货,不然新进马丁,已经调价了。

吉她一生 发表于 2012-11-30 10:48:07


名屋老李 发表于 2012-11-30 11:06:23



OM 42 是你的·····最合适选择!!


[ 本帖最后由 名屋老李 于 2012-11-30 11:07 编辑 ]

cloverxyz 发表于 2012-11-30 11:55:00





cloverxyz 发表于 2012-11-30 13:15:07 ... =page%3D1&frombbs=1

[ 本帖最后由 cloverxyz 于 2012-11-30 13:16 编辑 ]

Benny131 发表于 2012-12-1 16:16:15








5.因为自己现在的琴上已经有一只Seymour Duncan Mag Mic SA6 拾音器,打算新琴到手后换到新琴上去,不过OMJM自带了
    Martin Gold Plus Natural 1拾音器,如果确定下手OMJM的话,也打算用自己的SA6,不知道自带款拾音器是否容易出手。哎············折腾啊!!!

在此特别感谢名屋李老板的建议 之前来你店里看了OM42,确实让我日夜思念啊·····不过自己的预算不足啊····

至于版主介绍的OM21 special确实不错,就是不知多少大洋,而且连名屋也没有这琴啊·······


cloverxyz 发表于 2012-12-3 02:00:30

om21sp 2W左右

指弹在云端 发表于 2012-12-16 11:12:12

同样纠结于这几款琴的帮顶 好帖啊

elton528 发表于 2012-12-18 03:20:39


baoniu001 发表于 2012-12-28 03:48:39


1,马丁,2,OM或000      3,窄指板(1品处窄了1.58mm,还是可观的)   4,必须rosewood   

所以最后,敲定几个选择项: 00028,    00028H,    OMJM, 现在最纠结的,也是楼主最关心的问题

000的有效弦长是24.9英寸,OMJM是25.4英寸,也就是00028H短了 1.27cm, 从官网图片也能看出区别,而



[ 本帖最后由 baoniu001 于 2012-12-28 03:56 编辑 ]

baoniu001 发表于 2012-12-28 03:54:28

另外,000和OMJM 箱体尺寸完全一样, 有效弦长差了1.27cm,应该不至于对于音量有多大影响,理论上音量的


还有,楼主摘抄的:000 is easier to play ? 为什么,这个指的是琴弦张力么?如果是,也不太理解,理论上说



venus333 发表于 2013-6-28 10:27:28

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