iguitary 发表于 2013-1-12 20:39:18



再见-理想 发表于 2013-1-15 15:11:40

我也想知道啊 。我的也是泰勒啊 。

xiechen20007 发表于 2013-1-15 19:01:39

曾经也发过这样的帖子 还给千帆发过邮件询问 他们直接说不知道 服了 还是taylor的总代理呢。这是一个好心的琴友告诉我的 编号 第一位数字代表taylor的两个工厂,只有1和2;第二位代表年份的第三位数字,比如今年是2011,就是1;第三、四位代表月份;第五六位代表日期;第七位代表年份的第四个数字,今年的就是3,2009年得就是9;最后三位是那一天生产的第几把

[ 本帖最后由 xiechen20007 于 2013-1-15 19:04 编辑 ]

在梦游 发表于 2013-1-15 19:24:34

原帖由 xiechen20007 于 2013-1-15 19:01 发表
曾经也发过这样的帖子 还给千帆发过邮件询问 他们直接说不知道 服了 还是taylor的总代理呢。这是一个好心的琴友告诉我的 编号 第一位数字代表taylor的两个工厂,只有1和2;第二位代表年份的第三位数字,比如今年是20 ...

在梦游 发表于 2013-1-15 19:26:13

FAQ: When was my guitar made?Taylor Support

Monday, January 9, 2012
By: jonathan.forstot
Q: When was my guitar made?
A: The new, 10-digit serial numbering format identifies the factory of production, year, date and the assigned number of the guitar on that day’s production schedule, although the numerical sequence is slightly different from the previous system. For example, the serial number for the first guitar built in the El Cajon factory on November 2, 2009 is 1011029001. Here’s how it breaks down:
[*]FACTORYYEAR (3RD DIGIT)MONTHDAYYEAR (4TH DIGIT)PROD. SCHED. #10 (2009)11029 (2009)001Factory designation: 1 = El Cajon 2 = TecateAccordingly, the serial number for the first guitar built in the Tecate factory on November 2, 2009 is 2011029001.
From 1993 until the end of 1999, each Taylor guitar featured a nine-digit serial number that precisely pinpoints when work was begun on that guitar. As of 2000, the serial number expanded to 11 digits to accommodate the four-digit year designation. Reading left to right, the first two digits (or four starting in 2000) represent the year; the second pair of digits represent the month; and the third pair of digits represents the calendar day that work was begun. The seventh digit is a series code number – 0 for 300 or 400 Series, 1 for 500 thru Presentation Series, 2 for 200 Series, 3 for Baby and Big Baby Series, 5 for T5, 7 for Nylon Series, 8 for 100 Series, and 9 for SolidBody Series. The last two digits denote the guitar's position in that day's production sequence. For models older than 1993, please refer to the chart below.

SERIAL NUMBERSYEAR 1974 10109 to 101461975 20147 to 203151976 30316 to [--]4501977 451 to 9001978 901 to 13001979 1301 to 14001980 1401 to 16701981 1671 to 19511982 1952 to 24451983 2446 to 32061984 3207 to 38881985 3889 to 47781986 4779 to 59811987 5982 to 78311988 7832 to 100701989

在梦游 发表于 2013-1-15 19:27:42


iguitary 发表于 2013-1-15 21:15:18

LS几位 ~谢啦~~~

再见-理想 发表于 2013-1-16 09:29:34


女巫店的人才 发表于 2017-3-20 13:40:00


学习逃避 发表于 2017-3-31 10:26:56

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查看完整版本: taylor的琴怎么看出厂时间呀?