在EHX新的Crying Tone wah 踏板,在2013年的冬季NAMM展会被评为2012“best Floor Effect ”“最佳落地型效果器”奖。
我们很高兴的宣布:EHX新的Crying Tone wah 踏板,在2013年的冬季NAMM展会上,第27届年度音乐及音效奖中,被评为2012“best Floor Effect ”“最佳落地型效果器”奖。
这是一个令人激动的踏板,乐器零售商选择Crying Tone wah踏板作为年度“最佳低限效果奖”,是对它最佳的赞美。
EHX在Crying Tone wah踏板上,绝无循规蹈矩,给Crying Tone wah带入了 WAH-STYLE的21世纪的设计。
EHX的Crying Tone 和今后所有的新品将提供完美的、光速般迅速的反馈及无声转换的效果。EHX的唯一的专利设计、及坚固的可靠性试验结构、体贴的价格吸引着世界各地各种风格、不同流派的乐手,使他们爱不释手。
We’re really pleased to announce that our new Crying Tone wah pedal was selected as the ‘Best Floor Effect of 2012’ in the 27th Annual Music & Sound Awards announced at Winter NAMM 2013.
【视频:Electro-Harmonix Indestructible Crying Tone Pedal】
The Music & Sound Retailer Awards are, “...the only award based on a poll of every American dealer… the only award that is NOT selected by an editorial board or influenced by advertising revenue.”
That’s pretty heady stuff and the fact that music retailers chose the Crying Tone wah as the best floor effect of the year is lavish praise, indeed!
We broke all the rules with the Crying Tone to bring the design of wah-style pedals into the 21st Century. There are no moving parts to break and they don’t use optics or magnetism. The Crying Tone and all of our Next Step Effects offer flawless, lightning-fast response, and instant, silent switching. Their unique patent-pending design, rugged torture-testing construction and musician-friendly prices have attracted players in all styles and genres. 2013年的冬季 这也太结实点了 我看着都心疼 万一没配合好压他脚咋办 这是有点像IPhone玩iRig Ampllitube时的重力感应控制哇哇。给IPhone弄个加厚钢板外壳也应该也能扛得住几下 这个是借鉴ZVEX WAH PROBE吗?
感觉是块防身利器啊,估计把人砸挂了也不会坏。。。 这玩意其实不是效果器... 这玩意是个砖头。。。