http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTk4MDg5NTk2.html这是什么效果器啊,叫echo base The Echo Base is a handmade analogue-voiced digital delay based around the popular PT2399 delay chip, it can be easily coaxed into a very Deluxe Memory Manesque self oscillation, give you delays of over a second, and has a modulation section for you add some subtle tape-echo style warble to your delays, or even to get Chorus and Vibrato sounds with at low delay time settings.自行翻译!
回复 2楼 omgoodness 的帖子
echo是牌子? http://www.madebymike.co.uk/echobase.shtml回复 4楼 爱管闲事的鲨鱼 的帖子
哪里能买啊? 官网说没有现成的,你得提前跟他预定,他需要一年半载的给你做出来……因为MIKE很忙回复 6楼 爱管闲事的鲨鱼 的帖子