管理员 发表于 2013-3-4 20:36:33

摩登天空开年钜献 后朋克传奇乐队Public Image Ltd双城计

摩登天空开年钜献 后朋克传奇乐队Public Image Ltd双城计

Modern Sky 2013 opening Show - Post punk legendary band Public Image Ltd Tales of Two Cities


2013年3月30日,北京愚公移山,3月31日上海Maolivehouse,摩登天空荣联手吉他中国、华人摇滚荣誉呈现Public Image Limited(公众形象公司)双城专场演出,这也是这支传奇乐队自1978年组队后首次来华。Public Image Limited来自英国,主唱John Lydon在此前有个更为大众所熟知的身份:Johnny Rotten,没错坏牙!77朋克时代先锋,一代传奇朋克乐队性手枪的主唱。在1978年性手枪美国行后他宣布离队,组建公众形象公司乐队,不管你喜欢后朋克这种音乐曲风与否,他们的大胆尝试都促成了这种风格的最终形成,乐队的数张专辑都已成为后朋克音乐里程碑式的作品。
Modern Sky x Guitar China x Xound Force proudly present Public Image Limited with two performances,March, 30, 2013, in Beijing Yugong Yishan, and March, 31, in Shanghai Mao Livehouse. The band was founded in England in 1978, and this is the first time for them to perform in China ever. The vocalist John Lydon is best known for his other identity: Johnny Rotten, that’s right! - the vocalist of the legendary Sex Pistols. After Sex Pistols announced their break up in 1978, he organized a new post-punk band which albums later became landmarks in post-punk music history.

3月30日北京 愚公移山
Beijing 30 Mar 9:00PM,Yugongyishan
Beijing, Dongcheng district, Zhang Zizhong Road 3-2

票价:预售280元 现场360元
      PER SALE:280 RMB/AT DOOR:360 RMB

3月31日上海 MAO livehouse
Shanghai 31 Mar 9:00PM,MAO livehouse
地址: 上海市卢湾区重庆南路308号
Shanghai,Luwan district,Chong Qing south Road NO.308

票价:预售280元 现场360元
      PER SALE:280 RMB/AT DOOR:360 RMB

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