怎么用两块delay调出where the street have no name里面的dotted eighth delay?
限制在两块delay只有time,tone, repeat,level 四个调节。谢谢! 关注 没玩过这个所以搜寻了一下,有Tap Tempo的数字延迟,比如Tc-FlashBack,Boss DD7就比较简单,演示如下:
Dotted-Eighth Rhythmic Repeats
Guitarists like Eddie Van Halen, the Edge, and David Gilmour took delays to new heights by making them an integral part of compositions like Van Halen’s “Cathedral,” U2’s “Where the Streets have No Name,” and Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall, Part 1.” They popularized a trick using dotted-eighth-note delay repeats to create the illusion that they were playing more notes—and faster—than they really were.
To do this, set your delay to repeat everything you play a dotted-eighth-note (three 16ths) after you play the original note, and then pluck continuous eighth-notes. After the delay’s initial entrance on the last 16th of the first beat, it will fill in the second and fourth 16th-note of every successive beat—as long as you continue to play eighth-notes (newly picked notes will cover the first and third 16th of every beat). To make this sound as natural as possible, set your delay pedal’s Level knob all the way up so it matches the volume of the original signal, and try to keep the notes as precise and short as you can to avoid having a picked note overlap with a delayed note.
Some delays, such as the Line 6 Echo Park, have rhythmic subdivision modes built in, so dotted-eighth repeats won’t be a problem to set up. However, if your delay doesn’t offer subdivisions, you’ll have to do some math to get the Time setting right.
对照表 谢谢鲨鱼哥,另外我找到这个东西,老外玩的还真深。
http://www.amnesta.net/edge_delay/ 这个貌似是把延迟音量开满,然后设置延迟时间,弹一个音之后把你弹的音和延迟出来的前两个音当做三连音看,通过这样来判断一拍有多长,然后弹16分音符,不知道我说明白没有。也许不是这样,不过我听着应该是这么个玩意。 我是直接简单地吧延迟时间设置在341毫秒
这么算的,这首曲子是每分钟132拍,那么每拍= 60秒/132=0.454545454545..秒
这是一个四分音符的时值,所以八分音符就是一半了=0.4545454545.../2= 0.22727272722727...
附点八分音符就是一个八分音符时值的1.5倍了=0.227272727272727... X 1.5 = 0.340909090909...
就是341毫秒了,然后再适当调校一下其他参数,tone ,level, repeat
还真有那么个意思,要求不高的话凑合玩了 顶起顶起 拜读了鲨鱼哥发的原文,有这么个公式
To calculate ms for dotted-eighth-note rhythmic repeats, the formula is:
45,000/bpm = dotted-eighth-note ms
Read more: http://www.premierguitar.com/Mag ... age=5#ixzz2OkMVSvKk
算了一下还真是 45,000/132 = 340.9090909090....
[ 本帖最后由 赤羽灵翼 于 2013-3-27 21:24 编辑 ] 好帖子,学习了。