ENGL gig master 30 瓦 近全新 包邮秒价!!!!!!
ENGL gig master 30530瓦 比15瓦 多一个弹簧混响 多一个 boost
我这台近乎于全新 从德国发的 4月份收到的 使用时间累计不超过20小时
Front Panel:
2 channels: Clean and Lead;
two Gain control knobs: Input Gain and Lead Drive;
the ECC83 (12AX7) tube produces a very warm and soft tone with plenty of punch in the preamp section and delivers a great distortion sound with rich sustain;
EQ: Bass, Middle, Treble for precise sound tuning;
Mid Boost sound option: switchable via front panel button or via footswitch;
Gain Boost sound option: switchable via front panel button or via footswitch;
Channel switching via front panel button or via footswitch;
Lead Volume control;
Master Volume control;
Stand By switch;
Rear Panel:
3x 1/4" Stereo jack for connecting a Z-4 footpedal: Channel switching & Gain Boost, Mid Boost & M.V.B. (Master Volume Boost), FX On/Off & Reverb;
FX Loop: Send – Return;
Line Out;
Poweramp Output:2 x 8 ohms (parallel: 1 x 8 ohms or 2 x 16 ohms), 16 ohms (serial: 1 x 16 ohms or 2 x 8 ohms) for several speaker options;
30 Watts output power, 4 x EL84 power tubes delivers that specific very typical tonal character;
Combo Amp: 12” Celestion speaker, type Super 65;
mark . 杀人的价格.严重扰乱市场秩序!回复 11楼 真有色金属 的帖子
我去....还没出呢 原帖由 一把吉他平天下 于 2013-5-2 15:06 发表我去....还没出呢
这才10天么~ 支持信用卡吗??? 原帖由 zhaojing63 于 2013-5-2 22:43 发表
不支持 不好意思~ Mark
好东西,但是超出预算了,楼主陕西哪儿的,我西安的 原帖由 zxhyxt12 于 2013-5-4 16:06 发表
我也西安的 我电话18149059431 有兴趣直接联系我 ~ 东西基本全新 价格 自提刀200 ~ 好东西,只可惜预算4500,在这个价位的话还能立马交易,帮顶。。 价格再低点就好了