回复 41楼 bigdreamyr 的帖子
大梦,你的机柜太适合我了,感谢啊 巨牛逼啊,顶!!! 我了个去~昨晚来我处拿琴就为了补张suhr的照片是吧~!~!~!呵呵呵 我才发现原来你盗用我的“床单suhr”图~!~ 楼主K7上的的 Crunch Lab 7是不是装反了?那个横条应该朝像琴颈的啊
Crunch Lab 7
One thing has stayed consistent throughout John Petrucci’s long and successful career: the DiMarzio? pickups in his guitars. John has been pushing the envelope of progressive metal since the late eighties, and the new DiMarzio? Crunch Lab 7? Bridge Model ensued from our most recent collaboration with John. He used it throughout Dream Theater’s tenth studio album, “Black Clouds & Silver Linings”. John swears this is the best live and studio sound he has ever had, and the name says it all — “crunch” is what it’s all about with a big, tight sound that’s neither muddy nor thin.
Tech Talk
The Crunch Lab 7? is noteworthy (bad pun alert) for what it doesn’t do — it’s not a screamer, and it’s not about thundering lows. Its physical appearance is identical to the D Sonic 7?, but the internal design is a lot different. It’s louder, and the highs have more depth. The lows and mids are more open, and this is crucial for playing chords with body and presence through a gained-out amp. The way the pickup attacks a note is both sharper and stronger, and this allows the Crunch Lab 7? to be installed with the solid bar towards the neck.
回复 47楼 潘多拉A梦剧院 的帖子
哈哈哈,被你发现了,我要吃你门口的烧烤回复 48楼 阿拉善盟者 的帖子
好眼神,我是故意装反的,7弦版本的拾音器正反都一样,没影响,那样好看回复 18楼 Ray0077 的帖子
最后一句话,感慨颇深~~~也希望能多交一些这样的朋友~~~ 就喜欢那把K7。 来晚了 绝对的设备牛人,这些设备是多少人的目标啊,楼主搞专业的?
回复 54楼 比特牛仔 的帖子
不是专业,业余爱好所谓技术不行玩设备,哈哈 不错 楼主现在开始已经不折腾来吧。。。应该开始思考人生了。。。假如我有这些设备 我就会想。。。我的人生太短暂了 这么多设备 我死了谁来照顾他们。。。
回复 57楼 ZFXCSJ 的帖子
哟,这位兄弟思维方式很个性啊太操心了吧 看来音色是JP肯定可以复制出来了。 不错,好设备。明年我也准备上蓝鱼和axe fx了,哈哈。