Route 66被烧了......
手上有个TONEBONE 的HOTBRITISH 另有一个Route 66的过载+压缩,用的时候不注意,将tone bone 的电源线给接在了Route 66上,MS 是15V的电压,插线,开搞,一股沁人心脾的芬芳从Route 66飘出来......悲剧了,果断断电,换过电源试,发现 route 66还能用,只是过载效果的大小不能调了,拆开看 R27号电阻被烧黑了....请教各位高手
1.visual sound在上海有维修点吗?
不胜感激!!! 去北京东路赛格跑一躺,找卖电子元器件的滩,到处都是,人家会告诉你那个电阻的阻值。。。
然后自己生把烙铁焊下来换1个 严重表示同情……
再去DIY区问问,那边很多擅长这些的同学 我到认识个上海的能修.... 给 原厂发邮件了,居然回复了,相当惊喜~!!
Hey Tony,
Sorry to hear about the Route 66.R27 is a 100ohm resister.If the overdrive doesn't work you may need to change IC3 ( I think that is part number on that unit)Either way it is the only JRC4558 on the pedal.Just below the pots on the overdrive side.You may also need to change out the big 16 pin IC (CD4053) below the 4558.This is a part of the switching system and could be damaged.
Let me know if you need any more help.
All the best,
Dana Weaver
Tech Support
Visual Sound LLC
4922 Port Royal Rd. Ste. B-11
Spring Hill,TN.37174
AIM: visualsoundhelp