Fuchs ODS Supreme - 30, SLX upgrade
Fuchs Overdrive Supreme-30SLX upgradeprice =18000 rmb
This is a very nice dumble voiced amp, only used at home. Can plug 4,8, 16 ohm. With Fx send/return and Footswitch. SLX upgrade means the 4 knobs can be pulled for more gain/voice. This amp is $2855 + SLX upgrade $695 = $3550 (21750 rmb) if you buy new in USA. Im selling it for 18000 rmb only.
http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy291/rearocker/my%20humble%20gear/IMG_5402.jpg 楼主是外籍友人?好东西啊模仿DUMBLE的神物
回复 2楼 小孩之蓝 的帖子
是模仿trainwreck的,two rock是模仿dumble的 图中的琴是G&L 吧 @dentefuchs and two rock have dumble voiced amps
yes its a G&L asat tele,Roy Buchanan is a famous tele player hey ray。nice amp NICE PRICE NICE AMP Up.........