'Noises from next door (at number 67)'. Z.o.o. guitar duo performs Erik Otte's slightly tongue-in-cheek hommage to contemporary music live in De Goede Rede, Almere, june 22nd, 2013. This piece was written in 1989 in response to dismissive comments from a famous Dutch television presenter that Otte's music (generally of a more lyrical nature) resembles 'kampvuur muziek' (campfire music). Otte quickly sketched some ideas (making the rest up on the spot), and presented the piece on live television under the pseudonym J.B. Vuurkamp. Fragments of 'She's leaving home' from The Beatles and various meaningless finger exercises, not to mention fiddling around with a couple of chopsticks stolen from a restaurant on the way to the TV studio, managed to fool the presentor into believing this was a serious contemporary work. 隔壁住着做吉他的木匠?小心被人打死。 曲名叫《抽搐的疯狗》似乎更好些
2位不搞摇滚真可惜了 很有感觉啊 这个曲子说明音乐可以用来思考,不一定要好听。 长见识了
这音乐放在恐怖片上绝对适合! 原帖由 镜子乐队 于 2013-7-2 14:37 发表