回复 80楼 拿生活费买琴 的帖子
欢迎询价 欢迎询价 欢迎询价 帮顶! 喝多了 还是要顶 大失真仍保持通透华丽的Solo音色,只有ENGL SE和Faortin做到了 顶一下回复 88楼 Jhoasi_Laiho 的帖子
回复 90楼 james_cotton 的帖子
回复 92楼 lele520 的帖子
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjc1NjExOTE2/v.swfS7G Solar 7 + ENGL SE (E670) 6L6 = win !!
Here's a quick playthrough of my current rig:1. S7G Solar 7 (with BKP aftermaths, OFR w/ Tremol-no and upgraded brass block)
2. Guitar plugged directly into an ENGL E670 SE Head (6L6) w/ ENGL pro cab 4x12 with Celestian V30s loaded Amp setting: Lead Channel 1, Gain 4/10 (Hi Gain activated), Bass 4/10, Mids 5/10, Treble 5.5/10, mid edge on, meg lo punch on, modern, Hi power
3. TC Nova system in serial loop adding only a mild room reverb
Video and sound recorded with a Sony Nex 7 camera (camera mic only)
Pardon the mistakes - all done in one take to see how my Sony camera can record video and soun
Engl SE Special Edition e670 - Metal
My Love !! Signalchain: Schecter Jeff Lommis with Planet Waves Cable straight into the Engl SE ;)http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjc1NzEzMjQ0/v.swf
Tour rig - ENGL E570
回复 99楼 hym521 的帖子
谢谢哥们发个SE全面评测,ENGL- TV E670-Demo by Bill Decker
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjc5NDY3NzAw/v.swf 这么好的东西,喜欢的来吧!!
回复 103楼 hym521 的帖子
继续支持交换设备,感兴趣的型号如下RANDALL T2
PEAVEY 5150/6505
回复 106楼 hym521 的帖子
让兄弟见笑了T2是源于对firewind和veil of maya的喜爱
blackmore和powerball是因为我手里有原机输出牛这个最重要的部件,我想研究这个电路并且复刻对比。 原帖由 保持联系 于 2014-3-10 13:28 发表
T2是源于对firewind和veil of maya的喜爱
回复 109楼 hym521 的帖子
570确实是好东西,但我目前的能力还不能消化它。多层电路板,各种模块,一群小绵羊似的继电器,复杂的增益结构和和控制电路以及立体布局,让我望而却步。而且也和我当前设备的音色重复,不如出掉或者换其他感兴趣的,可以征服的。有意的朋友请联系我吧,99新,箱说全,合理价格。 今天查弦的规格才知道,原来jeff loomis是用e570录音的,贴上他的设备。E570+E850=立体声LOOP+双后级,相当两台E670
LOng Story short:
the 570 is the PREAMP of the ENGL Sopecial Edition head. It has the same circuit like the old Savage line plus some gain improvements( old Savage 120 and Savage SE)
The 580 can do that as well plus EVERY other ENGL sound that was designed plus some all time classics.
The 580 has a far more elaborated MIDI interface plus the computer remote control software.. 封帖 祝贺祝贺,真正好东西会有识货人