KLDguitar GT40H 点吉他功放视频集
KLDguitar GT40H 吉他功放视频集Juan Meier 阿根廷音乐家,多面手,长于 Rock, Blues, Jazz and Tango。是阿根廷著名曲作家Astor Piazzolla的专业演奏者。参加华人音乐家马友友“ Soul of the Tango: The Music of Astor Piazzolla”演出
KLDguitar Fall on Faith GT40H Fall on Faith . 苏格兰Rock/Metal 乐队
KLDguitar Diego Budicin venice tapping Tutorial. Diego Budicin 意大利吉他新秀,Steve Vai Musicoff Contest 2012获奖者。
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjA5OTIzNTE2/v.swf KLDguitar Endosrements: Stoney Curtis http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjE1Mzg1MzYw/v.swf 嗯,不错
kld一直很有诚意。外观欠特点,声音不错。 KLDguitar tube guitar amp , effect pedal and power attenuator KLDguitar Diego Budicin venice tapping Tutorial. Diego Budicin 意大利吉他新秀,Steve Vai Musicoff Contest 2012获奖者。原视频有问题,不全,特此道歉,希望大家翻墙观看。
建议把外观重新设计下 http://www.kldguitar.com/guitar%20photo05082006/KLDguitar-GT40HM/KLDguitar-GT40HM-Face.jpg
http://www.kldguitar.com/guitar%20photo05082006/KLDguitar-GT40HM/KLDguitar-GT40HM-Back.jpg DIEGO BUDICIN: Born in Turin - Italy, Diego started his guitar study at the age of eight, learning quickly the technical aspects of the instrument and showing a natural gift with his touch, expression and execution. At age of 13 Diego met the great guitarist Massimo Arminchiardi, who introduced Diego to a professional level of music study encompassing advanced aspects of modern guitar music.At age of 15, Diego began studying with Tony De Gruttola, who is a master level teacher of both “Centro Professione Musica” and “Accademia Lizard – Piedmont Section”. Diego learned improvisation and rhythmic techniques, across blues, rock, metal and funk genres. 2010 Diego won the “1° concorso nazionale per chitarra elettri- ca ed acustica” in Parma; his “hinking of Chopin” will be inclu- ded (late 2010) in a double CD produced by TopRecords and distributed by Edel. Diego was invited again to represent “Ac-cademia Lizard” school of music in many towns and cities of Northern Italy, Torino, Avigliana, Alessandria, Novara, to pro- mote the school together with the Accademia Lizard teachers
Diego was selected by the movie director James Smith for his documentary project about six guitar stories worldwide. Diego is one of the 6 guitarists.
ontest 2012 http://www.musicoff.com/articolo/and-winne
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNjMyODM1NjA4/v.swf KLDguitar Endosrements:Vinnie Perry