卖近全新的行货220V Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier
卖近全新的行货220V Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier配件包装全部齐全,买了一年,使用比较少,非常的新。不要怀疑他的凶狠,绝对的猛,绝对的mesa味,不要怀疑音量小,25MODERN模式 我勒个去 大声到你怕,动态十足,接412演出绝对的震撼,LOOP还是电子管驱动 LOOP还可以BYPASS,喜欢就别错过了 这个可不常有,7200RMB,QQ103922918你还等什么。RECTIFIER的MINI版本 10W 25W功率可切换即便身材如此小,声音和造型一样 依然很硬有了它 也许你的演出根本不用带任何失真类的效果器了ALL METAL CHASSIS – BLACK CRINKLE POWDER COAT & POLISHED DIAMOND PLATEIconic Recto Tone & Styling in an Ultra Compact "Mini" Design - 12 5/8"W x 6 3/4"D x 5 7/8" H – Weighs Only 12 Pounds!CUSTOM DESIGNED AND HANDCRAFTED IN PETALUMA, CALIFORNIAAll Tube Amplifier: 2xEL-84 Power Tubes & 5x12AX7 Preamp TubesDyna-Watt Power Amp featuring Channel Assignable, Multi-Watt technology (Patent 7,602,927) providing two power levels with different wiring configurations via independent 10/25 Watt Power Switches: Choose 2 power tubes operating in Class A/B Triode for a sweet, liquid feel at lower volumes, producing 10 Watts, or 2 tubes operating in Mesa's Patented Dyna-Watt Class A/B Power for maximum power, punch and clarity, producing 25 WattsFixed Bias for consistent, maintenance free performance2 Fully Independent Channels with 4 Style Modes: Channel 1 features Clean or Pushed Modes - Channel 2 features Legendary Vintage or Modern High Gain ModesEach Channel Features a Multi-Watt Power Switch (10/25 Watts) and Independent Gain, Treble, Middle, Bass, Presence & Master ControlsAll-Tube, Fully Buffered FX Loop with True "Hard" Bypass Switch that fully removes FX Loop from signal pathAll Aluminum Chassis1 Button Footswitch (Channel 1/2)Padded Gig Bag w/StrapFORMATMetal Chassis Head (Width 12 5/8")MINI RECTO CABINETRY
[ 本帖最后由 dongdelan 于 2013-11-10 22:02 编辑 ] 帮顶,好东西,就是功率小了点 感谢帮顶哦!虽然是25W但是真心非常猛音量大,和大箱头音量相差无几的~~ 标注。。。。。。。。。 感谢帮顶 兄弟,我诚意十足,但是带刀来的啊!6500包邮我秒。不行就顺便给你顶起。 价格不错
[ 本帖最后由 死核 于 2013-11-14 16:01 编辑 ] 呵呵感谢楼上的2位朋友们帮顶了,还有告诉楼上6505的朋友个小秘密,哈哈我就是换了EVH 5150才出的呵呵,实在是欠信用卡 要不就留着了MESA了 音色真的不后悔。 标记!!!! PM最低价 ,站内 非常有意,请PM包邮最低价,谢谢!