some of my instruments
每天12个小时的上班,不能阻挡我对音乐的追求,星期六星期天也上班,不会阻止我对音色的研究,休息天还去单位开会,无法摧毁我心中的信念,just keep the faith !毕业两年以来,尽管有时候连碰琴的时间都没有,水平也没有任何进步,然而设备用了一些,下面就谈谈我使用过的一点设备,有些技术和音色方面名词就直接说英文了,说中文别扭图片在后面
earthquaker devices dispatch master
madeinAkron, Ohio ,USA
dispatch master, 调度大师,其实就是将digital delay 和 reverb 整合到一起的pedal,而且是100%analogand true bypass,在 Ohio 那样一个 landlocked 的地方生产的设备,就是和沿海的地区的感觉不一样,远离了喧嚣和浮躁,简单的白色外壳和一个踏板,一个指示灯,四个knob, It is capable of producing nearly 2 seconds of delay time with near-infinite repeats and a cavernous reverb. 当你拿起你的tele,插在一个6v6后极电子管的amp上,比如deluxe reverb ,串上一个clean boost pedal,再加这个dispatch master,把琴切换到middle pickup ,来几个和弦,那声音一出来你就会立刻消除一切杂念,想象一下宁静深邃宽广的感觉, cavernous reverb 的效果,就像海边吹来的浪花和山谷中的峭壁的回响,如果你要同时在一块pedal上有发烧级的delay 和 reverb 效果,那么就是它了
lovepedal kalamazoo
hand made in USA
lovepedal只是一个牌子,但当你用上lovepedal的时候,你可真的会love this pedal ,拿起一把stratocaster,插上amp,串上lovepedal kalamazoo ,把琴放到bridge pickup,立刻出来sweetand smooth, harmonic, overdriven tones,never feel harsh,当drive knob 关到最小,那就是dynimic clean tone ,drive knob 一开大,就是vintage smooth tone,总之,如果你想要得到vintage overdrive tone ,那就是它了
tech 21 blonde
made in USA
tech 21 blonde就是将fender的音箱音色把它装到这个pedal里,那金黄色的外壳,和1959 bassman的音箱外壳颜色一样,音色也和bassman差不多,当用你的fender插上clean channel,串上 tech 21 blonde ,那你的amp立刻变成了fender音箱音色,outstanding dynamic response,pure american tone,当你用pick 拨动strings 时,那clean tone 就像清澈的水滴一样纯净,明亮,开大overdrive和character knob, 那就是instant rock and roll tone.就像当时bassman became a blues and country staple for 6-string guitarists. tech 21 blonde is a wild ride through American rock history.
mad professor stone grey
mad professor 这个牌子来源于Finland,北欧那样神秘冰冷的国度,设计出来的这块灰色的石头,音色也是那样冰冷锋利敏锐,a naturalmodern and progressive rock tone,a high gain juggernaut designed to maintain optimum string-to-string definition even with copious distortion and complex, dissonant chords,也就是说在很大的失真状态下,弹奏出的和弦的每根弦的声音都会有极好的清晰度,而不是一锅粥的感觉,极好的拨片触弦响应和动态, 当gain knob 调小时,会给你带来 some impressive overdrive tones
suhr riot
made in USA
一个紫色的能引发**的铁盒子, contemporary rock tone,如果你想疯狂的solo一曲,或者来段sweep picking,那就把dist knob 开最大,它会搞出类似于 100w tube amp 的声音
tech 21 british
made in USA
这么经典的音色就不多说了,这个pedal 把Marshall bluesbreaker, plexi ,jtm45,jcm800的各系列的音色都能模拟出来,今年我在上海乐展时我指着Marshall 1959对老外说,this isa suchclassic and fantastic amplifier ,老外说,all the famous guitarist use Marshall ,do you know Jimi Hendrix,我说,yeah, i know
earthquaker devices tone job
made in Akron Ohio. USA
mid,bass,treble ,直观的3-band EQ,调出各种想要的音色,clean boost,没有任何音染,全完忠于original amp 的音色,不仅能用在 electrical guitars上, bass guitar, synthesizer machines都能用
MI Audio Crunch Box
这个pedal用的人太多了,当你看人家的单块矩阵时, 如果一块红色的铁盒放在 distortion位置上,那百分之九十用的是Crunch Box,
模拟marshall plexi lead tone,做old rock最适合了, high definition ,拆开背板,在PCB上可以调节presence,it can clean up the tone
by the volum back, 所以我用Crunch Box的时候踏板都不踩的,volum back 就是clean tone 开大就是distortion
amt c2
made in Russia
模拟conford amp音色,conford为British 手工,发烧级amp,这个pedal有三个output,drive,preamp,cab.sim,
drive接cleanchunnel amp input,此时pedal是bypass,踩下为distortion,preamp接tube amp的fx return接口,此刻
pedal就是一个前级模拟, 踩下踏板前,模拟clean chunnel 前级和boost效果,踩下pedal就是模拟前级overdrive chunnel
cab.sim,则接mix,监听,by the way,the distortion is so heavy that you will be killing someone if you turn the gain knob
all the way up
line6 hd400
这个就不说了,大家都很熟悉的,easy and flexible to useon stage, in the studio, and anywhere in between.
lovepedal kalamazoo!!!!
有品位!!!! dispatch master真的是好好听好好听 舍不得关的那种感觉。