Hendrix-HK 发表于 2014-1-25 15:42:51


2014 新消息, 芬除了学 EMG 类的免焊接换拾音器外,还在背面加了个个性化插卡功能。
简单说就是把 , 拾音器的个种 正接,反接,串联,并联等花样,通过你换“个性化插卡”,和拨换卡上的小挡位来实现了

还有其他新 花样,内建 USB 接口,抢 iRig 生意的 Strat , 能单条 USB 连接 iOS / Mac 录音和控制音乐软件


当大家埋怨 F 只有 Roland 的 MIDI 系统内建时, 2014 芬跟上潮流,推出内建 fishman triple play , 无线, USB 接受器的 srat plus MIDI



this important feature. So you have all heard about solderless pickguards and pickups that make it incredibly easy to change pickups using simple connectors which I think would make 90% of guitarists more willing to try more pickups. I know that I never personally solder my own pickups I always go to the tech which is an expense I could really do without if I wasn’t so afraid of soldering. So that’s a great addition to this 60th anniversary guitar but there is something else that is explained in the video above called personality cards and this is where it gets really interesting.

The personality cards fit into an easy access compartment on the back (similar to a battery compartment), these cards are completely passive with a 50 pin connector that modify the strat controls such as treble bleeds, changing the tone controls into a master treble cut and master bass cut etc. Obviously these cards will be sold separately but the guitar does come with 2 initially. These are the kinds of modifications that would be very difficult to people who don’t even know how to change pickups, this totally simplifies the process and I look forward to hearing what other personality cards will be available. Great forward thinking and technology development that is actually instantly usable rather than just tech for tech’s sake.

Hendrix-HK 发表于 2014-1-25 15:44:13

this important feature. So you have all heard about solderless pickguards and pickups that make it incredibly easy to change pickups using simple connectors which I think would make 90% of guitarists more willing to try more pickups. I know that I never personally solder my own pickups I always go to the tech which is an expense I could really do without if I wasn’t so afraid of soldering. So that’s a great addition to this 60th anniversary guitar but there is something else that is explained in the video above called personality cards and this is where it gets really interesting.

The personality cards fit into an easy access compartment on the back (similar to a battery compartment), these cards are completely passive with a 50 pin connector that modify the strat controls such as treble bleeds, changing the tone controls into a master treble cut and master bass cut etc. Obviously these cards will be sold separately but the guitar does come with 2 initially. These are the kinds of modifications that would be very difficult to people who don’t even know how to change pickups, this totally simplifies the process and I look forward to hearing what other personality cards will be available. Great forward thinking and technology development that is actually instantly usable rather than just tech for tech’s sake.

Hendrix-HK 发表于 2014-1-25 15:57:14


用我的 server 上传视频造福大众不用看广告啦, 直接点击 看720 HD 高清吧


[ 本帖最后由 Hendrix-HK 于 2014-1-25 15:59 编辑 ]

RockL 发表于 2014-1-25 16:01:00


张皓丞 发表于 2014-1-25 16:34:15


fallen_zhu 发表于 2014-1-25 16:36:27


daicy 发表于 2014-1-25 17:42:52


Hendrix-HK 发表于 2014-1-25 19:59:10

原帖由 fallen_zhu 于 2014-1-25 16:36 发表

不過可能限制了只能換F 的拾音器了

电吉她 发表于 2014-1-25 20:24:53

iceage 发表于 2014-1-25 20:34:10

还得挖槽 能装在护板下就好了。对挖槽有点心理障碍

suedeliu 发表于 2014-1-25 20:45:59


xdeesp 发表于 2014-1-25 21:21:07

我一直有这种类似的思路 不过我想得更加“理想化” 只是自己技术能力实在太低

花丿jianhao 发表于 2014-1-25 21:22:11

额森也先 发表于 2014-1-25 23:32:14

music_and_life 发表于 2014-1-26 09:42:48

Funny little stuff

CARSONlee 发表于 2014-1-26 11:12:51

外国很多小朋友买吉他回来就是玩玩,也没想换拾音器,啥时候谈到女朋友就丢一边了!原帖由 Hendrix-HK 于 2014-1-25 19:59 发表

不過可能限制了只能換F 的拾音器了

TJLJQ 发表于 2014-1-26 12:58:41

颓废的春菜 发表于 2014-1-26 13:47:49

Hendrix-HK 发表于 2014-1-26 17:15:40

回复 19楼 颓废的春菜 的帖子


jtaihz 发表于 2014-1-27 18:31:51

Hendrix-HK 发表于 2014-2-1 12:38:37


为爱去旅行 发表于 2014-9-30 13:00:00


Hendrix-HK 发表于 2014-12-7 21:07:23

最近 tomlee 清货,估计是等换这批新产品

Hendrix-HK 发表于 2015-2-7 22:28:08


大 G 今年的“革命”會這樣嗎 ?
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