求助,北京哪位大侠会给marshall plexi 系列加装master钮?
求北京对于改marshall plexi改装比较在行的师傅,加装音量扭,维修音箱较专业的师傅,感激不尽。 http://home.comcast.net/~jbjdav26/1987PPIMVr17.jpg找到图纸了 这个对于懂电路的师傅就是小菜一碟吧![ 本帖最后由 穿破面纱 于 2014-4-4 00:41 编辑 ] Master Volume Installation Instructions
Parts required:
250KA Dual Potentiometer x 1
2.2M Resistor x 2
Dual conductor shielded wire x approximately 2FT
Step 1: Remove the (2) 220K resistors that are connected to G1 & G2 on
layout diagram.
Step 2: Unscrew board from stand-off's. Gently lift board and cut off the
wires that are connected to G1 & G2.
Step 3: Unsolder these wires from pin 5 on each power tube socket.
Step 4: Remove the speaker jack that is furthest from the impedance
selector switch, and install the Dual 250KA potentiometer.
Step 5: Connect the Master Volume control as shown on the modified
layout diagram. http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/mw690/65ba9475gw1ef2wz6od8gj218e0xoao3.jpg