No.33 雅克·伊贝尔《幕间曲》Jacques Ibert - Entr'acte for flute & guitar《幕间曲》创作于1935年,是法国作曲家伊贝尔为戏剧《他的荣誉医师( Le médecin de son honneur)》所写的音乐作品的部分内容;事实上,伊贝尔为吉他所写的所有作品都出自这部戏剧,包括吉他独奏曲《Ariette》 和《Francaise》;吉他二重奏《比喻(Paraboles)》。
《幕间曲》是一部短小、互动性且具有西班牙味道的作品,曲谱为长笛(或小提琴)与吉他(或 竖琴)的二重奏。一开始是生动的快板,倚音、装饰音与三连音由长笛快速地演奏出来;接着,第二部分引入温柔而梦幻的主题;然后吉他以强烈的弗拉门戈轮指技巧独奏,两件乐器最后回到开始时优雅的飞翔之中。
Annie Labrie, 2001 Analekta唱片,AN29810
Craig Ogden, 2002 Gallo唱片, 1108
Jason Vieaux, 2001 Azica Records唱片, AJD 71215
附: 伊贝尔的中文介绍
伊贝尔(Jacques Ibert)(1890—1962),法国作曲家,1909-1913年就读于巴黎音乐学院,1937-1955年任罗马法兰西学院院长,1955-1957年任巴黎歌剧院与喜剧院助理院长。第一次世界大战爆发因自愿从军成为海军军官,1919年又获“罗马大奖”,去罗马留学,故没有加入“六人团”.伊贝尔是印象主义音乐在20世纪法国的传人之一,他的室内乐更加明显地受到德彪西和拉威尔的影响,同时又带有一些新古典主义音乐的色彩,同时更多地混杂了一些东方和殖民地色彩。就他的室内乐而言,采用了多种乐器,其中竖琴、萨克管、小号和吉他都是室内乐编制中的稀客。
The French composer Jacques Ibert studied under Paul Vidal at the Paris Conservatoire and won the Prix de Rome in 1919 for his cantata Le poète et la fée. From 1937 he was director of the French Academy in Rome, and from 1955 to 1957 directed Paris' Opéra-Comique. He died in Paris.
This brief but brilliant Entr'acte is one of his most well-recognized works and a direct product of his love for Spanish literature and music. In 1935 Ibert wrote incidental music for a French production of Pedro Calderón's El médico de su honra. The entr'acte of that music was published that same year for flute or violin and guitar or harp. It has been transcribed for and recorded with many other instruments since its original publication. It opens with a breathless, whirling dance with propulsive accompaniment, inspired by flamenco guitar music. The opening is then repeated after the briefest of pauses, the music vividly calling to mind a dancer as he or she improvises a variation on the theme. That image of an animated dancer, showing off his or her footwork, continues in the following serenade-like solo for the guitar. That, in turn, leads into a cadenza for both instruments and a final, brief statement of the theme, ending, so obviously, with the dancer's arms in the air and a final stamp of the feet.
果然没人能猜中,或许大家都没怎么听过这首曲子,第一个视频,是弹小星星的那个大神,厉害! 果然难猜。。没听说过。。孤陋寡闻了。。 很轻快活泼的曲子,好听!以前没有听过。 好听极了 第三个视频黑裙长笛美女很像苏菲玛索 国内估计没有人弹过 。 涨之势! 谢谢版主分享