本以为这里已经在传了,结果发现还没有转帖任何消息~ 据Wayne Static的脸书公布,一代天才已于11月1号过世,终年48岁,给家人朋友和粉丝们留下无限遗憾~ 虽然这些年Static X的活力已大不如前,但其影响力,尤其是对于当年新金属的崛起是功不可没的,本人也曾热追新金属,曾被Static X的音乐所震撼,虽然自己在音乐上一事无成,但这份记忆永不会抹去,Wayne过早地逝去,事实无法挽回,让我们所有曾喜欢和一直喜欢他的音乐的朋友们为这灵魂的安息而祈祷,R.I.P. Wayne Static ......
Static-X Founder Wayne Static
Passed Away At Age 48
November 1, 2014 - Platinum selling musician Wayne Richard Wells, better known as WAYNE STATIC, passed away at the age of 48.
WAYNE STATIC was the enigmatic former frontman and namesake of Static-X, who later forged a successful solo career. Wayne was scheduled to co-headline tours with Powerman 5000 and Drowning Pool over the next several months.
No additional information is available at this time.