降价了,降500,4500包邮出近全新egnater renagade 112 combo
详见原帖子: http://bbs.guitarschina.com/thread-1893341-1-1.html 有意的朋友快联系我啊~ 是110V的吗 本帖最后由 exera 于 2015-3-25 16:08 编辑iceage 发表于 2015-3-25 15:23
箱子带110v 117v 230v电压选择拨档。
65-WattAll-Tube Combo
Custom-Voiced Egnater Celestion™ Elite-100
Premium Tubes:
6 x 12AX7
2 x 6L6
2 x EL34
Two Independent Channels Each With:
Volume, Gain, 3-Band EQ
Tight and Bright Voicing Switches
18w / 65w Wattage Selector Switch
Tube Mix Blends 6L6 and EL34 Power Tubes
Master Controls:
Presence & Density
Individual Reverb on Each Channel with "Spillover"
Main and Secondary Master Volumes
Simple Master Bias Adjust with External TestPoints
Buffered Effects Loop
Four-Button Footswitch with Channel SelectPlus:
Assign the REVERB, EFFECTS LOOP and MAIN 2Volume to Just Channel 1, Just Channel 2 orBoth Right From the Pedal
Balanced XLR Cabinet Voiced Line / RecordingOutput
100V / 115V / 230V Voltage Selector
Heavy Duty Cover Included
Dimensions: 24.75" (L) x 9.5" (W) x 10" (H)
Weight: 69lbs
100V / 115V / 230V Voltage Selector 再不顶沉了,没人搭理自掉价500还没搭理,国产的洋品牌的低端冷门产品,你喊价2千到3千,才有性价比之说,知名的MESA,为啥贵.东西好,高不可攀,没技术做不出来。 早出了,忘说了。楼上请你自重,好自为之。