羡慕 F CS 之余,自己 DIY 更多自由和高性价比
组装了几把 F Strat 类的琴,这里总和介绍一下过程吧一楼没上漆的那把,后来做了这个贴的 http://bbs.guitarschina.com/thread-1801640-1-1.html
这把 F 孔的,首先的问题是,中间拾音器的线在后面突出,装不进 , 所以挖巢 . koa 琴体美爆了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 销魂的贴面···· 不介绍一下木头配置吗? 便宜量又足,相比什么FCS,买W就是实惠+好用 还是版主玩的溜,马克等更 糖呵呵 发表于 2015-6-30 13:37
赞 123101949 发表于 2015-6-30 10:12
Quilt Maple On Swamp Ash , 这个其实是我买的第一个 W 的东西,本来想买半空体的,看到 F 孔以为是半空体的。但其实是 Chambered Construction , 内偷空体,结果有一点 半空体的感觉。 F 孔只是个装饰。
本来就轻的Swamp Ash 加内偷空体,整个琴很轻,我有弹惯一般琴的朋友拿上手觉得很不习惯,说用惯了重琴觉得轻飘飘的。 特制的笔,给 F 孔上透明漆防潮湿 透明漆哪里买的?多少一瓶? lovely !
boss六tg 发表于 2015-7-2 11:44
lovely !
这是和尚鹦鹉嘛 好可爱啊 五指炫 发表于 2015-7-2 11:05
這麽少量的是小瓶的模型油, 20 多 高端 - - 版主阿 我想加你的qq求些知道~~~最近以被你弄中毒~~~423197770 好漂亮,请问版主是swamp ash好一些还是北方重ash好一些呢??? 侏罗纪猛男 发表于 2015-7-8 20:17
好漂亮,请问版主是swamp ash好一些还是北方重ash好一些呢???
反正 ASH 我只觉得适合 F 类的琴 ST 或 TELE 漂亮的琴体,赞一个 楼主抛弃DIY版,跑来这里发了 Hendrix-HK 发表于 2015-7-28 19:52
反正 ASH 我只觉得适合 F 类的琴 ST 或 TELE
我是在fast上面看到说ash分为南方的ash和北方的ash。。。 本帖最后由 Hendrix-HK 于 2015-7-30 14:49 编辑
侏罗纪猛男 发表于 2015-7-30 13:32
The word "swamp" does not refer to a species of wood but actually to a "zone" where ash grows. There are different ways to describe what is actually the same tree, which by growing in different areas of the USA (north or center or south) develops almost totally different characteristics. So we have "red ash" also known as "pumpkin ash" (fraxinux prufunda) which is what we guitar makers call "swamp ash", a
tree growing in the swamp areas of Mississippi and Alabama, and other heavier species such as green ash (Fraxinus Pennsylvanica, "white ash", Black Ash (Fraxinus Nigra), which are more common in the centre and in the north of the country.
Hard ash vs swamp ash
Ash tree.
All the above are actually names which are given to the same tree to distinguish the very different characteristics (weight, colour, density) the tree develops by growing in different areas and environmental conditions.
So is it the place where it grows that makes "swamp" ash so light? Possibly, but not only. Also, how and where the woodworker cutsthe blank from the tree has an importance.
CUTS: Everything else being the same, a cut in the upper part of the tree will result in a heavier blank of wood. Conversely, a piece of wood obtained from the lower part of the tree will be lighter. The rule here is that: the further north the ash tree grows, and the higher and the more internal the cut into the tree, the heavier the wood will be, and vice versa.
Hendrix-HK 发表于 2015-7-30 14:48
懂了,谢谢 贴铜箔屏蔽之前,先把电路仓内用砂纸打磨一下,这纯粹是手工男的强迫症,否则会不平整有颗颗凸起 个人觉得蓝色絮状那个琴体用枫木指板视觉上更配,那个黑乎乎,而且琴头更加……不搭。对了,既然都DIY这么多,为什么不弄瓶屏蔽漆呢? linwei987 发表于 2015-7-30 20:44
个人觉得蓝色絮状那个琴体用枫木指板视觉上更配,那个黑乎乎,而且琴头更加……不搭。对了,既然都DIY这 ...
请问,我的琴是小双摇,摇了会跑点音,我想换个代替双摇弦锁的琴枕, 上次你diy的反头ST就是用的金色那个,哪里可以买到呢? 如果我按美标的配置DIY一把ST能出美标的声嘛? cao147852000 发表于 2015-8-7 21:30
可以比美版的木料更好 mavs41 发表于 2015-8-7 19:03
请问,我的琴是小双摇,摇了会跑点音,我想换个代替双摇弦锁的琴枕, 上次你diy的反头ST就是用的金色那个 ...
我自己 DIY 的 .
但 大双摇那个是有的分开卖的 . 这种DIY是最明智的,性价比和自我满意度都超高!做工音色神马的就更别提了,自己动手是最可靠的。就跟攒电脑似得!
PS:絮纹枫贴面真漂亮! 让我说你啥好呢!!! 请问 屏蔽是铝箔还是铜铂好!!不想刷屏蔽漆。 斑竹,像您呢樣嘅結他一隻共幾錢 玄武湖公园 发表于 2015-8-29 07:08
请问 屏蔽是铝箔还是铜铂好!!不想刷屏蔽漆。
铜的可以焊接 FIREV129 发表于 2015-12-6 08:14
琴體和颈大约7000,其他配件和拾音器大约 3千多四千 Hendrix-HK 发表于 2015-8-7 18:40