黑大侠 发表于 2015-8-23 10:22:18

低价1050元【Suhr Riot Distortion】高增益失真效果器

本帖最后由 黑大侠 于 2015-8-23 10:24 编辑


Riot Distortion

Riot失真,就如同它的名字含义(**骚动),是一款High Gain类型的单块。它可以让你的小功率的清音电子管音箱也发出大功率Full Stack音箱的失真音色。Suhr通过聆听和研究许多失真单块之后,决定研制一款能够很好的配合清音音箱,发出最类似100W高增益电子管音箱失真的单 块。在经过一年,很多次的试验和返工之后,终于得到了能够让人满意的结果。Riot对于任何专业的吉他手来说,无论你是现场演出还是录音,都会让你忘记这 只是一个单块失真。

它能够让一台清音音箱发出巨大饱满结实的声音,并且保持真正音箱失真的那种自然和松弛的声音结构。它不会有刺耳毛糙的高频,迟钝的低频,以及过于突兀的中 频,而这些是很多失真单块的通病。另外单块效果器通常会很依赖于音箱以及音箱的设置,也就是说常说的挑箱子,但是Riot具有很好的适应性,能够和市面上 各种常见的电子管音箱很好的配合,甚至是类似Blackface那样的老古董音箱。如果你希望获得真正类似电子管高增益的音色,而又不想买或者更换音箱的 话,那么Riot就是一张通往High Gain天堂的小巧实在的门票!

The Riot, as its name playfully hints, is a high-gain distortion box that will make a small clean tube combo sound like a raging stack. We have heard many distortion boxes and were never quite satisfied with how they sounded or felt with a clean amp. We wanted the sonic characteristics of the distortion and the way the pedal reacted to your touch like a high-gain 100w tube head. After much testing, re-working, and re-builds of the Riot over a period of a year, we are finally satisfied with how it performs and sounds in real world music applications with pro musicians performing live or in the studio. The Riot will make you forget that you're playing through a pedal.

It works with the amp to deliver a big full sound that never sounds artificial or overly electronic. There are no bees-in-the-jar buzziness, harsh high-end or tubby lows that are often what you hear in high-gain distortion pedals. Again, a pedal is highly dependent on the amp it's connected to and how the amp is set, but the Riot will perform exceedingly well with virtually any decent tube amp out there - even with old vintage-style Blackface type of amps. Get musical distortion and an amp-like feel from the Riot. If you need alternative high-gain sounds without adding anoth

黑大侠 发表于 2015-8-23 14:04:05


phujly0526 发表于 2015-8-24 13:00:02


黑大侠 发表于 2015-8-24 13:01:55

phujly0526 发表于 2015-8-24 13:00


黑大侠 发表于 2015-8-24 22:06:27

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查看完整版本: 低价1050元【Suhr Riot Distortion】高增益失真效果器