有前辈听说过一个叫Jordi Banus Lopez的西班牙制琴师吗?(197...
本帖最后由 羊角疯 于 2016-1-29 13:02 编辑最近在意大利ebay上买了一把西班牙琴,制琴师叫做Jordi Banus Lopez,制作于1978年,还没到手。琴写着hand made ,带一个制琴师的签名。但西班牙的制琴师实在太多了,资料很难找。我找到了西班牙当时标签类似的琴叫做banus&ibanze,都是一些看起来较为低端,桃花心背侧,也不带签名,价格不高。
还有一种Jorge Banus Lopez,这个我查了西班牙的luither名单,起始于1981年,标签非常相似,但琴的外形和我这把也不一样,也很少有签名,有人说Jorge Banus Lopez就是Jordi,但我找到了一个Jorge的签名,还是差别蛮大的。Jorge的琴和70年代banus&ibanze也非常相似,也许是他的后辈?
我的理解是banus&ibanze是两个人,在推出共同品牌的时候,Jordi也在自己做琴(产地不一样),随后1981年Jorge Banus Lopez继承了banus&ibanze,ibanez这个人退出了?
卖家图很小,我先发上来,不知道有没有前辈能提供有用信息。还有就是这种不出名的西班牙琴的音色怎么样,相比于同期日本琴。 http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/archive/index.php?t-796745.html
03-10-2012, 08:21 PM
I have been doing research on my guitar, it's a Banus as well. Mine was purchased in Miami, FL around 1978 by my mom for my jerk brother who decided he hated guitar. I inherited it. It's also numbered 102. So since there's a #102 floating around in the Netherlands, I would assume then, it's the 102 production for the actual year it was made. I've seen pictures of others and the artwork around the sound hole is different on all of them. I just sent mine to a luthier for some TLC. My label has the name Jordi Lopez. I assume he is the one who made my guitar. Needless to say, I'm SO happy to find others with the same guitar.
Pics: https://plus.google.com/u/0/116917308882329569527/posts
我在网上搜索几天后只找到2把Jordi Banus Lopez,剩下的都是banus&ibanze,或者Jorge Banus Lopez 没听说过,应该是三,四线的制琴师.