求教AMT CP100怎么到如第三方IR?
求教AMT CP100怎么到如第三方IR?官网上说:
IRs, which can be loaded in Pangaea CP-100, have to have the next format:
48kS/sec 24 bit Mono. But sometimes the file header contains too many information
which even Windows can’t always interpret correctly.
So, maybe there are many ways to make the correct format to fit Pangaea,
but we could recommend the next:
1.Open two files in CoolEdit (or Adobe Audition). First file -the file you want to convert, the second –some working from Pangaea preloaded files.
2.Select the first file and make Copy.
3.Select the second file (working one from Pangaea) and make Paste.
4.Save the file (save as) with a new desired name and a path.
我平时用的IR文件里有48000 24bit的格式的
但是导入之后还是无法识别 没有效果
求有哪位有经验的指导一下吧,那个CoolEdit什么的步骤实在没搞懂什么意思。。。 自己操作失误。。。已经解决了。。 我有很多 国外下载的高品质IR 用在cp100 QQ308320324 许愿树 发表于 2016-5-24 02:22
我有很多 国外下载的高品质IR 用在cp100 QQ308320324