本帖最后由 musicark 于 2016-9-4 17:27 编辑淡出吉他圈子一段时间了,这几天,突然想到之前在上海音乐出版社的一本书至今未出版。
下载地址:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gf0TRhh 密码: e288
这本书,是国外所有Guitar Repertoire的必修教本。从中,能够从历史、技巧、音乐等很多角度,去帮助一个演奏者弹好古典曲目。关于阿瓜多吉他教程的重要性,在《序》中,我有较为详尽的阐述。另外,我引用之前我邀请作题词的恩师们,以及大师们的评价。
"Dionisio Aguado's method Nuevo Metodo para Guitarra published first in 1843 still one of the most important guitar instruction books of all times. Mr. Zhou Fang's translation into Chinese of such an important work should become a great addition to the libraries of professional and amateur guitarists in China."
----Sergio Assad
“Aguado’s method is a landmark in the history of the guitar. The technique of the guitar has gone through a continual evolution, based on 19th century guitar playing. Aguado was definitely one of the most accomplished virtuosi of his time. His method and his studies have survived through the years as an important part in any young player’s developing technique”.
----David Russell
“I was very glad to hear from Andy that the Aguado method will be translated into Chinese. This is one of the most important methods ever written for guitar, and it has withstood the test of time to be totally relevant today.”
----David Tanebaum
“The Aguado method provides a look into the past where pedagogy and the art of guitar playing is tantamount. In many ways the Aguado method is the first complete study of guitar technique which provides both, exercises, etudes, explanations, and historically accurate information about the guitar and how its played.”
----Lawrance Ferrara
“The Nuevo Methodo, by Dionisio Aguado, has long been considered by performers and historians as one of the most important method books ever written for classical guitar. Aguado's text is succinct and informative. His etudes are technically idiomatic to the guitar and serve specific didactic purposes, while also being musically pleasing and fun to play. This method should be in the collection of every serious student of the guitar.”
----Frank Koonce
谢谢分享 有时间看一看! 可惜没有配上谱例! 有原版的吗? 谢谢分享! 谢谢LZ的无私奉献,可惜没有谱例。 谢谢楼主分享 谢谢分享 多谢分享 谢谢分享 谢谢哦~ 感谢分享!!!!!!! 感谢分享! 楼主辛苦!谢谢! 谢谢楼主 今天才看见,谢谢楼主分享! 感谢大侠的无私分享 谢谢楼主的分享!
发自吉他中国iPhone客户端 打印出来好好看看!谢谢! 感谢分享
谢谢!老师! 谢谢分享! 謝謝您 謝謝
这本教材真心不错,谢谢楼主精心翻译,我整理了一下pdf版本的,将其转化为word版本的,同时对顺序及一些字眼进行了略微修饰,共享给大家,请批评指正! 用不习惯论坛,再次上传吧 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI2NDk2ODA5Ng==.html?spm=a2hzp.8253876.0.0&f=26007171 llsshyllsshy 发表于 2017-9-19 19:50