本帖最后由 bimenbimen 于 2017-8-11 20:12 编辑我敢说没有比我保存好的,100V电压,未在中国出售,当年1万多人民币吧 ,旋钮有电动马达,非常非常非常经典。
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMj ... j.8428770.3416059.1
另一个视听:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMj ... j.8428770.3416059.1
给喜欢的朋友来一份它的说明书:https://asia-latinamerica-mea.ya ... 14/dg100_212_en.pdf
闲鱼链接:https://2.taobao.com/item.htm?sp ... rSu&id=556894409877
●スピーカー:Celestion製Vintage30 (30cm) x 2
●外形寸法:712(W) x 574(H) x 284(D)mm
Another contender for the heavyweight silicon-superamp title is Yamaha’s DG100-212, 100-watt combo based on the company’s popular DG1000 guitar preamp. Unlike comparable amps, with their data screens and complex menus, the DG100 features controls that are refreshingly familiar and simple to operate. Yamaha’s aim here is to offer classic tube tones in a digital modeling amp that uses knobs and buttons rather than parameters and data wheels, which tend to scare off technophobes.The front panel kicks off with two master controls, one for overall output (kind of a master master volume) and another for adjusting the trim of the input; the latter control features a pair of LEDs to signal when you’re overloading the circuitry. This is followed by a familiar array of rotary controls for gain, master, EQ, presence and reverb level, and a group of push-buttons from which you choose one of eight amp models. The digital paraphernalia puts in an appearance by way of a simple key pad and LED display, which are used for storing tones.Operation is virtually self-explanatory. After adjusting the trim and output, you punch a button to select an amp model. The DG100 lets you choose from lead, drive, crunch and clean, with two different voicings offer for each type of sound. Next, adjust the rotary controls, add a splash of reverb (spring, hall or plate) or tape echo—again, by simply pressing a button—and adjust the effect level. If you like what you hear, select one of the 128 patches locations using the key pad, press “store” and your tone has a home.When it comes to time to visit one of your stored recipes, use the key pad to call up the patch number, and press “recall”—at which point the knobs will move to their new settings by themselves. Spooky, but totally impressive. Although it can take up to 10 seconds for the knobs to reach their preset values, the selected patch kicks in immediately.In addition to a pair of buxom Celestion Vintage 30 speakers, the internal organs of the amp are a solid-state, analog power amp and a digital preamp that provides the reverb, “tape echo” and speaker simulation. The heart of the amplification unit are a 20-bit analog-to-digital converter (A/D) and a 24-bit D/A, which provide the amp’s clean and quiet sound quality.Yamaha has concentrated on producing eight satisfying and believable sounds. All of the amp types have a solid and lively character. Furthermore, each of the amp types actually responds differently. Some have that tube-soaked sag, others punch like Tyson, and the extended EQ section allows you to bend these tones into any shape to suit your guitar, style or taste. A rear-panel effects loop with blend control lets you complement the amps onboard effects, and a balanced (XLR) line-out jack with speaker simulator is provided to send your tone direct to a mixing console. You can even pop off the two rear casters to angle the amp for monitoring purposes.To get the most from this combo you’d want to purchase a MIDI foot controller and make use of the rear panel MIDI prts. This would enable you to move easily between patches, control overall volume and manipulate the reverb and tape echo effects. The MIDI functions also allow you to store the patch information onto an external device, thereby making room for new programs and expanding your patch library.
本帖最后由 bimenbimen 于 2017-8-11 20:15 编辑
5500 一个212箱体你都买不到。。。。。
jhk;hkhjkh;;hhkhjkh;kjh;jh; 三大发啊发水淀粉撒地方撒发生大发生的发生地方 的发发舒服舒服撒地方撒发撒发顺丰的萨法撒上丰富 saffadsfsdafsdafasdfsadfsadfsdafasdf hhjkjkjhkjhkjklhjkhlhjhlhjkhl sdfasdfasfsadfsdafasdfsadfs dsafffasdfasdfsadfsadfasdfsadfsadfsadfsa 21313435456343454343434345 马丁全单d15m换吗? 喧嚣旅途 发表于 2017-8-22 13:16
成色如何? 好箱子!尖儿! 发的说法是发生大法师打发斯蒂芬撒旦飞洒发 jhhkjhkljhlkhklhkhkjlhkljhlkhlhklhlkjhlk 经典 我曾经是DG1000和DG130H的用户,这个系列产品很赞! 21313113213132132132432413132132443241313 sfadfasfsadfsfsdafsfsafasdfsdfsdafasf dasdfsdafsafsdafsadfsadfsadfsafsafsadfasfs 虽然没用过DG系列 但现在新出的THR100我在用家用真是太ok了 演出用来个双通道 比什么ir效果器强太多了 526+56+5+5+65+
65+5+6 是的发射点发顺丰撒的发水淀粉撒放撒放撒风 54848497698485664884846 sdfasdfasdfasdfasdfsadfsadfas
5488466488545576664949 4558874566688845566 经典音箱。。。 555456香港财神到
sfsaf213465sd74f5s4a3df46asd4fs5d4a 好货,祝早出···· 瓦塔思密达 发表于 2017-9-29 10:00
欢迎帮顶,必有后福~! 可惜110电压 220就好了 成色很好。再次顶 帮顶 景况不佳赶快赶快来急功近利刚刚看了几个两个港口管理工具来过 懂这个箱子的人还是少数~~~~降一降价位吧 ~~~~也许会碰到有缘人 dsfasdfsadfgsagasgas4322134234234 dsfsafsadfasdfsadfsadfsadfs12313413541653sdf SDFSADFSDFSADFSADFSADFSDFSADFSDAFSDAF